
Monday, August 19, 2013

Alex Rodriguez Still Makes Headlines With Home Run And More Drama

Alex Rodriguez is one player that you either hate or love. Last night in Boston A-Rod was hit by a pitch from Ryan Dempster and that set off the fireworks for an eventful night in Beantown. Boston could not handle A-Rod as he hit a home run to help ignite the New York Yankees to another win. There are many things that people don't like about A-Rod, but he does make things very interesting to say the least.

No matter what anyone says about Alex Rodriguez he seems to do well in the spotlight. It should be interesting to see how he does rest of the season or at least until is hearing is held. I think there is more to the suspension then we know, but it will all come out. For now though A-Rod gives us plenty of drama to watch, write, and even talk about in the coming weeks. Last night was another vintage A-Rod performance which he seems to love to give when everyone things you got him down.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ichrio Suzuki Closing In On Pete Rose's Hit Record

Now baseball fans might not like it, but a foreign born individual could eventually have the all-time hit record. Pete Rose owns it right now, but Ichrio Suzuki is closing in on 4,000 hits and if he plays at least two more years I see him breaking the record. Now I love Pete Rose, but if anyone breaks the record it would be great to see Ichrio do it. He is a guy who does things the right way and plays the game hard all the time.

When he first came over to America to play in the MLB I never thought he had a chance to break the record. I was wrong as it looks like he will break it in a few years. Ichiro Suzuki has paved the way for future foreign players and I think we could start seeing a lot more as fans are more accepting to them now. Ichrio Suzuki should break the record barring some injury or something else beyond his control. I think him breaking the record will be good for baseball as records are meant to be broken.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Michael Jordan Show Off For Campers With A Dunk

Everybody knows Michael Jordan is widely considered the best player of all-time, but who would think he still could get up to dunk. In a camp he was running he wanted to show people he still had the ability to dunk the ball. Jordan is one of the players who maybe able to dunk even when he gets much older. He took care of himself and he still sometimes gets into practices and mix it up with his players. Michael Jordan will always be the greatest and I doubt if anyone will ever take that away from him.
It had to be exciting for the campers to see the legend still have the ability to jump up and dunk the ball in a camp. Jordan is a student of the game and he knows his limits and what he is capable of at his age. It still was nice to see Jordan can get up to the rim. Below is the pic of his dunk in case people do not believe it happened.

Texas Longhorns Atop The Royalty Heap Once Again

Does not seem to matter if the Texas Longhorns sports programs are struggling or not, they still stand at the top when it comes to royalties. In fact, this is the eighth straight year the Longhorns have hooked the competition. Texas fans are some of the most loyal in the sport, so this should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The University of Alabama came in second, followed by Kentucky (5), LSU (6), Florida (7), Georgia (8) and Arkansas (10), which broke the top 10 for the first time. Notre Dame (3), University of Michigan (4) and UNC (9) rounded out the top 10.
As you can see there was a bunch SEC schools in the list which can be expected when you have a conference with some of the best teams around.

Is Derrick Rose Really The Best Player In The NBA?

A reporter the other day asked Derrick Rose who was the best in the NBA. He answered with a smile and confidence and said Derrick Rose is the best player in the NBA. Now many people might think that is cocky or boastful, but in reality that is what Derrick Rose should have said. If you play any sport or are in any profession you must always think you are the nest. In may not be factual all the time, but you always should strive to be the best in your chosen craft.
Before Derrick Rose hurt his knee he was right up there with the elite in the NBA. Now that he is back he wants to be mentioned in the same breath as Lebron James and others. You cannot blame him for this as Rose is a competitor and loves the competition. It will be interesting to see how Derrick Rose handles his return to the NBA. The one thing we do know he thinks he is the best, and if you don’t believe him just ask he will tell you.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Why It's Time Pete Rose Should Be Let Back In The Game

Pete Rose was banished away like a thief in the night from baseball. I understand why he was, but I think he has served a long enough sentence. Bud Selig did not banned Alex Rodriguez for life for using PED's, but Rose did for betting on baseball. Hmm very interesting indeed. Rose knows he made plenty mistakes, but while Pete Rose played he never did anything wrong to the game. I wish we could say the same for A-Rod and others. It seems Rose has served a longer sentence then what players are doing today. I know they weren't exactly the same crimes, but the sentences do not equal out.

As Pete Rose gets older MLB is robbing him a chance of getting into the Hall Of Fame. Rose should be judged on the accomplishments he made on the field. He did not use PED's and played like a true warrior. It is a shame he probably will never get to be in the Hall Of Fame. The chances of anyone breaking his hit record is pretty remote. Hopefully things will change and he will get a chance to be in the Hall Of Fame, but right now it does not look good.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mack Brown And Texas Must Show Results Or It Could Cost Brown His Job

Mack Brown and the Texas Longhorns were on the top of College Football from 2005-2009 with a combined record of  58-8. Longhorn fans were so happy with Mack Brown he could have run for governor in the state and probably would have won by a landslide. Fast forward to 2013 and he is on the hot seat in Texas. From 2010-2012 Brown had a record of 22-16. In the land of Hook'em Horns that will not cut it. Win conference championships and getting to National Championship games is all Texas Longhorn fans want to see. Brown has spoiled them and now he must deliver something good in 2013 or he could be looking for a new job.

Where Mack Brown has struggled in recent years is in the recruiting field. Texas still gets great talent, but not like they use to anymore. Athletes are choosing schools like Ohio State, Alabama, and others instead of Texas. Brown needs to change that and in hurry if he wants to keep his job. Everyone knows Mack Brown is a great coach, but you have to get talent in your program year after year. brown must win the conference in 2013 or he could be looking for another job. Mediocrity is something that Longhorn fans will not take even from a guy like Mack Brown.

Dave Parker Battling Parkinson's But Has Had A Full Life If You Ask Him

Dave Parker was a vital part to the Pittsburgh Pirates run to the World Series back in 1979. He is battling Parkinson's Disease, but it is not in the advanced stages yet. He has kept quiet about it as only a few family members and friends knew about it. Parker says he has lived a full life making an impact in baseball and he has had the chance to watch his kids grow. Parker was a great MLB player who many times was misunderstood. He help the Pirates win a championship and was a two-time batting champ along with a league MVP.

His sister is also battling the disease, but he says it is in a more advanced stage then his own. Hopefully, things will work out for Parker and he will live a number more years. he was a great baseball player and you hate seeing things like this happen to anyone. Dave Parker will always be remembered for the We Are Family years with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Stay well Mr. Parker and let's hope you live a long life.

Why MLB Suspensions Will Not Solve The Problem Of PED's

No matter how much MLB and Bud Selig would like to think these suspensions the truth is  it will not stop players from getting an unfair advantage. Players have million dollar contracts and they will find a way around the tests and rules they always do. Education to the perils of PED's is really the only real answer. Right now baseball has an integrity problem and they must address it. Fans are leaving the game as they are frustrated by today's players and the cheating that has become an everyday occurrence.

Major League Baseball has a real problem and there really is no easy fix to the problem either.Suspensions in the past have not stopped the problem. Maybe the key is to make sure more measures are in place to stop it. The problem is there is always a way to beat it. Case example is Lance Armstrong. Look how long he went before they actually found out he was doping.

Baseball is America's pastime and it should always be that way. Unless Major League Baseball does something quickly about it that could be a thing of the past. I hope baseball and it's players understand that game is in their hands and right now it does not seem like it is in very good hands.

MLB Schedule Aug 6, 2013

Chi Cubs
7:05pm ET

7:05pm ET

7:05pm ET

7:05pm ET

7:10pm ET

NY Mets
7:10pm ET

NY Yankees
Chi White Sox
8:10pm ET

8:10pm ET

Kansas City
8:10pm ET

LA Dodgers
St. Louis
8:15pm ET

Tampa Bay
9:40pm ET

LA Angels
10:05pm ET

San Diego
10:10pm ET

10:10pm ET

San Francisco
10:15pm ET

MLB Scores August 5, 2013

Atlanta 3
Washington 2

Detroit 4
Cleveland 2

LA Dodgers 3
St. Louis 2

Minnesota 0
Kansas City 13

NY Yankees 1
Chi White Sox 8

Boston 0
Houston 2

Texas 5
LA Angels 2

Toronto 3
Seattle 1

Milwaukee 2
San Francisco 4

Monday, August 5, 2013

Could We See T.O. In The NFL In 2013?

Terrell Owens have not played for awhile, but his agent is still looking for a job for his client in 2013. T.O.'s agent has talked to a bunch of teams that have shown interest in him if they have injuries on their team. Terrell Owens always stays in great shape and should not have a problem making a team if he is given a chance. The last team T.O played for was Seattle and he lost out to a numbers game. If T.O. does not make a team this year he has said he will probably retire.

I think Terrell Owens may hook up with a team this season as he is talented and can stay out of trouble. I will admit I have missed hearing his boasts and all the antics we get with him. The antics actually take away from how talented he really happens to me. If he did not do the antics teams may take him more seriously. Either way Terrell Owens is not going to change anytime soon that's for sure.

MLB Suspend A-Rod And 12 Others For PED Scandal

Major League Baseball kept there promise and suspended 13 MLB players for the latest PED scandal. A-Rod took the hardest hit as he got 211 games suspension while others just got  50 game suspensions. Alex Rodriguez has deep pockets, so he will appeal and fight it for as long as he can. A-Rod's suspension is one that could go on for quite awhile I think. The other players went quietly in the night and we serve their suspension so they can get back as soon as they can.

For A-Rod he was hoping it would never come to this, but eventually it had to come to this. Alex was deep into this clinic recruiting others to use it. The evidence against him is alot and I think A-Rod will be sitting a lot of games. It is a shame players cannot learn to stay away from PED's. They have hurt their careers, cheated the fans, but most of all they have cheated themselves.

Here is the list of players that got suspended:

• Antonio BastardoPhillies reliever
• Francisco CervelliYankees catcher (on DL)
• Jordany ValdespinMets outfielder (minors)
• Jesus MonteroMariners catcher (minors)
• Cesar Puello, Mets outfielder (minors)
•  Sergio EscalonaAstros pitcher (minors)
• Fernando Martinez, Yankees outfielder (minors)
• Fautino De Los Santos, free-agent pitcher
• Jordan Norberto, free-agent pitcher

Are The Celtics Using Rajon Rondo As Bait?

Rajon Rondo is the only one left from the Big Three in Boston, but it seems he is always mentioned in trade rumors. Are the Boston Celtics shopping Rajon Rondo? I seriously doubt it, but they are not going to stop the chatter either. Boston does not mind seeing what other teams will offer for Rondo. I really do not expect Boston to move him unless a deal is so good they have to take it. Boston wants to keep him right now and build around him.

Right now the Celtics know moving him makes no sense as they would have nothing to build around. Rajon Rondo would like to stay in Boston and I do not think new coach Brad Stevens wants to lose him either. Look for Rondo to remain a Boston Celtics player, but you cannot stop the trade rumors. They will always be around until the season starts, so we will have to deal with them. For Celtics fans it is a big distraction, but in the end it looks like Rondo is not going anywhere at least for the time being.

Why Ryan Braun Should Never Wear A Brewers Uniform Again

Ryan Braun was trusted by many including management and fans. He shot an arrow through everyone’s heart with his suspension. We trusted him and believe he was innocent for such a long time and the most he can give us is I’m sorry. Well, Mr. Braun that is not good enough for us Milwaukee Brewers fans. We expect much more from our players then what you have given us lately.

Growing up watching the Milwaukee Brewers players like Sixto Lezcano, Cecil Cooper, and Gorman Thomas did things the right way. These were some of the guys that built the foundation that you enjoy. Robin Yount and Paul Molitor never took short cuts and that is why they are in the Hall Of Fame. Mr. Braun you will never be a Hall Of Fame player now. At one time we thought you were destined to be there beside other Brewers. That day is forever gone and you cheated the fans which probably what hurts the most.

Suspension is not a punishment fitting the crime if you ask die-hard Brewers fans. We want more and should receive more in the gift of never seeing you wear the Milwaukee Brewers uniform again. It is a privileged to wear that uniform and you have tarnished everyone from former players to fans who trusted you. Hopefully, you will learn taking short cuts is not the way of the Brewers organization and banishment as a Brewers player is the only thing you will understand.

MLB Schedule August 5, 2013

7:05pm ET

7:05pm ET

LA Dodgers
St. Louis
7:05pm ET

Kansas City
8:10pm ET

NY Yankees
Chi White Sox
8:10pm ET

8:10pm ET

LA Angels
10:05pm ET

10:10pm ET

San Francisco
10:15pm ET

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...