
Showing posts with label fans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fans. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How Much More Can We Expect Browns Fans To Take?

After thinking about this long and hard I am wondering how much more can we expect Cleveland Browns fans to take. They lost their team and then got it back only to see some horrible pro football. The last three seasons and counting this season the Browns are a combined 6-48-1 which is totally unacceptable. It does not end there for Browns fans though as they have had to endure some horrible coaching since 1999.

Here is a list of the coaches since then:

Chris Palmer
Butch Davis
Terry Robiskie
Romeo Crennel
Eric Mangini
Pat Shurmur
Rob Chudzinski
Mike Pettine
Hue Jackson

Look at the list of coaches above, not the who's who of coaching in the NFL that's for sure. This is one of the main reasons the Browns have been so bad for so long. When you do not have the best coaches you will struggle and the Browns have proven that theory correct. Browns fans have hated most of their coaches and with the performance of them you really cannot blame them.

Draft players have been another issue as well. Cleveland probably has one of the worse draft records of any NFL team. Some of the players the Browns have chosen over the years make you shake your head. The performance on the field has shown these picks have been horrible at best. At least now the Browns have John Dorsey and the picks have been getting alot better.

I give Cleveland Browns fans credit as they are really resilient, but how much more can they take. This season the Browns could be 6-1 but they have lost games they should have won. It goes to show you that the Browns fan base is one of the best in the NFL. Win or lose they continue to support the team no matter how bad it has been for them.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Are You Ready For Some Football Cleveland Browns Fans?

Most Cleveland Browns fans will tell you they cannot wait for the season to start, but isn't it that way every season. The Browns are hoping a new serious coach in Hue Jackson will turn things around for them. Cutting Johnny Manziel should help as there should be alot less distractions to deal with which is a good thing. Hue Jackson is a no nonsense guy that wants you to come to work and be prepared. He is fair with everyone, but if you get in his doghouse that is not a good thing. He did help get the Raiders going in the right direction which is no small feat.

August 12, 2016 the Browns will head to Green Bay to take on the Packers which should be interesting to say the least. Both teams will play alot of players and this is something that is normal in a preseason football game. I will be looking at several things in the first game. One of the things I want to see is how many mistakes the Browns make. I know this is the first game, but you do not want to see alot of mistakes. Preseason mistakes can translate to regular season mistakes and you do
 not want that to happen.

One of the most important things to watch will be the quarterback play. RGIII is being groomed to be the started, but nothing is guaranteed. Every quarterback will be given a chance, but in the end the one who moves the team and makes the less mistakes will win out. No matter whom it may be the Browns need someone they can count on. I will admit I have no idea who the starter will be, so we will just have to watch and see what happens.

This is what is great about the NFL you never know what could happen. A player many people never heard of could come out of nowhere to be the starter. This years Browns team should be fun to watch. I just hope Hue Jackson can do what he did in Oakland and that is turn the team into an competitive team week after week. If he does that Browns fans should be very happy.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

NHL Hockey Changes That Need To Be Made

For the longest time I watch and followed the NHL as it was a sport I really enjoyed a lot. Now do not get me wrong I still love it but I think some changes need to made to the game. Fighting it seems these days are a big part of the game. In the Olympics you see no fighting and it is a much more crisper game and fun to watch and enjoy. Fighting also takes a way from the players who really are very talented. I think hockey players do not get enough credit for how good they really happen to be. I kńow fighting will never leave the sport, but toning it down would be a good idea.

The second thing I would love to see is better promotion of the game by the networks and the NHL. Some of the people I talk to do not even realize half the time a game is on television. A good idea would be to have more games around the holidays like the NBA and NFL has capitalized on. Promotion is something that the NHL does not do very well at all.  

Marketing is another area that the NHLmis lacking as well. If you go into stores during hockey season you cannot even find and type of merchandise. As kids grow up they could collect hockey things like they do other sports. The problem is most stores do not even realize that the NHL exists anymore and that is a shame. The NHL has a good product but are dropping the ball many different ways. If the NHL wants to grow and get more involved in the sport they need to market better. By marketing better there television contracts will get better and players, fans, and everyone else will benefit. Hopefully, the NHL will quit dropping the ball and make the NHL a quality product again.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Are You Ready For Football?

With the NFL season finally a go I found this tentative timeline that will get you started on your upcoming NFL season. Tuesday should be a day we see plenty of action as this is when many signing may occur. The flurry will be hot and heavy in the next couple weeks and at Sports Blogging Network we will be here to help you make sense of it all.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

NFL And Players Fumble The Ball When It Comes To The Fans

Just like any other strike it is always the fans that people tend to forget about. The NFL owners have agreed in principle to end the lockout, but the players have not signed off on it. The owners have said this is the best deal they will offer the players.

This just goes to show you that neither side cares about the fans the ones who line their pocketbooks on a yearly basis. If the fans would stop buying the merchandise and going to the games then the owners and players would sing a different tune. Just as consumers boycott companies and products fans need to start doing the same thing.

If we could have a mass fan revolt for a couple of weeks players and owners would learn the fan has power. The way it stands though as soon as it is settle it will go back to the way it was until another strike happens. One of these days I would just like the players and owners to think about the fans for once. I forgot as long as the fan keeps lining their pockets they do not care.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...