
Showing posts with label dwight howard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dwight howard. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2013

Dwight Howard Bolts To Houston No Real Surprise

Dwight Howard is headed to Houston which should be no surprise to anyone. Howard is finalizing a deal with the Rockets which should get done in the near future. Many people thought he would go back to the Lakers, but I knew that would never happen as it's not in Howard's DNA to take criticism from others or fans. Howard could not handle the pressure that comes along with playing in Los Angeles. The other aspect he did not want to play second fiddle to Kobe Bryant.

The Houston Rockets now must figure out how to use Dwight Howard and get the most from him. Two teams have not been able to figure that out, so good luck with that Houston. Howard can be selfish at times and not a team player. Getting it all to work with him has been tough. It will be interesting to see how well Howard plays in Houston. I do know one thing though Kobe Bryant probably will enjoy playing against Howard. Bryant never forgets and he is probably not happy about how Dwight spurned his offer of help.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Kobe Bryant Pulls No Punches In Talk To Howard

Kobe Bryant job was to help in the recruitment process of Dwight Howard, but to his credit he pulled no punches with Howard. Bryant has always been blunt and he told Dwight Howard what was on his mind and depending on how he took it will determine if he is a Laker this season. Kobe told Dwight I can teach you to be a champion, but you must learn and listen to what I'm trying to show you. Those are powerful words as Kobe Bryant has multiple championships and knows what it takes to be called a champion. How did Dwight Howard take it?

Now Dwight Howard has been immature much of his career, so how he took those statements from Kobe Bryant is anyone's guess. I do know Kobe is a player that means what he tells people and he was being honest with Dwight Howard. Maybe that is what Dwight Howard needs to take his game to the next level and be an elite player you can depend on. If one player can teach him about winning it is Kobe Bryant. He knows what it takes and has sacrifice to do it. Soon we will find out if Kobe Bryant persuaded Howard enough to return as a Laker.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Is Dwight Howard Really Worth The Hassles?

It seems five or six teams are in the running to sign Dwight Howard for the upcoming season. My question is do you really want to deal with the hassles by signing him. I will admit that Howard does have talent, but talent alone does not guarantee you an NBA Championship. Dwight Howard has been with two teams and neither was a smooth road for him. I have lost count on how many times he threw his teammates under the bus, or the times he did not give a full effort on the court.

Dwight Howard could go down as one of the best big men ever, but I do not think it will play out that way. He does not understand it's about the team first and not him. Teams that want to sign him should beware of the baggage that comes along with him. If they do then they will not sign him. Maybe with the right coach and system Dwight Howard could equal his promise, but right now I do not see that anytime soon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dwight Howard Returns To Orlando Is He Ready For The Response He Will Get

Dwight Howard is heading back to Orlando for the first time and the welcome he may get could just shock him. Howard eft on bad terms and we have learned that NBA Basketball fans do not take kindly to superstars jumping ship and landing somewhere else. If you do not believe me ask Lebron James how tough it was to play in Cleveland his first time back. Dwight better be prepared for the worst when he steps onto the court in Orlando. Maybe Dwight can talk to his old teammates, but he also burned some bridges there as well.

Howard was quoted in an article saying his teammates were people nobody really wanted. That was probably not the best thing to say in the press even if it was true. Many Orlando Magic players did not take kindly to those words and they will be out for revenge tonight. Even though ony one player will be in uniform I'm sure he is still not happy with Dwight Howard's comments. Howard still has not grown up yet and his comments continue to get him in trouble. It should be an interesting game in Orlando tonight that's for sure.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kobe Tells SI Lakers Will Make Playoffs

Well you have to give Kobe Bryant credit he has a lot of confidence in himself and his team it seems. In an interview for Sports Illustrated Kobe Bryant tells the magazine that the Lakers will make the playoffs and he fears no team in the Western Conference. Is this idle talk or does Kobe really believe that his team is going to be that good later this season.

Now I will agree with Kobe Bryant that the Los Angeles Lakers will make the playoffs, but that is as far as my predicting will go with them. Yes, the Lakers have Kobe, but that is all really. Dwight Howard cannot be counted on and you do not know what you are getting with Steve Nash on a nightly basis. Howard disappears in games and when you get to the playoffs that cannot happen.

I admire Kobe for his confidence, but in reality they will be a first round loser plain and simple. You just cannot turn it on and off when you want in the NBA. There are two many good teams in the Western Conference and the Lakers are just average at best Kobe.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dwight Howard And Kobe Bryant Headed For A Rough Break-up

No matter what anyone tells you Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard will never be on the same page. According to various reports the relationship is rocky at best. Another report has Howard making fun of Kobe in the locker room during the All-Star game. Now I do not know if any of these reports are true, but one thing is for sure they have a bad vibe going on the court for sure.

Shaq and Kobe could not get along and I think they actually probably could have made it work. Howard and Bryant have no chance of making it work. I think the Los Angeles Lakers should consider moving Dwight Howard as quickly as they can. They still have a shot at the playoffs, but not as long as they are on the same team. Trading Kobe is not an option, so I would move Dwight Howard.

For the Lakers there is no guarantee that he will resign with the Lakers, so trading him is the only option left. If the Lakers want any chance of making the playoffs they must break up this marriage now that was doomed from the start. Kobe and Dwight are just not going to work and the writing is on the wall.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Will Kobe Bryant Finally Realize There Is No Hope For The 2012-2013 Lakers Season

I have to give Kobe Bryant for not giving yet, but I think he even see's the writing on the wall. Dwight Howard has been a bust in Los Angeles and it does not look like he will be turning it around anytime soon. Kobe is talented, but he can only do so much. Unless he gets some help quickly the Los Angeles Lakers have no chance of making the NB Playoffs this season. What options are left for Kobe Bryant?

 Kobe knows he has very few options left. He does not want to alienate his coach or players on the team, but losing is so etching he cannot stand either. The Lakers superstar has a real tough decision that he must make. Should he stay quiet or be a real vocal leader. No matter what decision Kobe Bryant someone will not be happy that's for sure. Bryant must decide what way to go and he must hurry. Each loss puts the Lakers further outside a playoff spot. Kobe hates losing, so do not look for him to take it much longer.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time For Lakers To Trade Dwight Howard

The Dwight Howard experiment has been a disaster so far this season. He has not been able to make it in Los Angeles or mesh with Kobe Bryant, and when you lose it has become more evident Howard has not matured yet as, Howard had the same problem in Orlando and it hasn't gotten any better so far. Bryant and Howard are never going to co-exist as Bryant is a winner and will not accept a player who does not have the same desire.

Moving Dwight Howard right now maybe the only way to save the season for the Lakers. Trade value for Howard may not be real high, but the way it's going he is doing the Lakers no favors. Moving Howard may seem a long shot, but when your superstar legend is at odds with your other big superstar it's time to make a change. The Dwight Howard experiment did not go well and it's time to cut your losses right now.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Can Kobe Bryant Save The Lakers?

The Los Angeles Lakers continue their slide on the road and it looks like only one man can save the Lakers now. Kobe Bryant has bitten his tongue most of the season, but now it is time for him to step up and tell everyone what he thinks needs to be done. Yes, he has given hints what needs to be done but he must be more vocal no matter whose feelings he may hurt. Bryant is a winner and losing is killing him inside and he will not take it much longer. Can he really save the Lakers?

Kobe can save the Lakers but he is going to have to be tough on some of his own players. Dwight Howard needs to grow up and Kobe Bryant is probably the only player that can get the most out of him. Scrapping the offense the Lakers run right now is an idea, but in the long run Kobe Bryant has to be the one to decide that for the Lakers. Many people might not like giving the controls to Kobe including their current coach, but the Lakers have no choice right now. If they want any chance of getting going in the right direction they need to ride the guy who has got them five NBA Championships.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kobe Bryant Getting Tired Of Losing With This Cast Of Lakers

Kobe Bryant has always been about winning and that will not change anytime soon, but his latest cast of Lakers is making that tough for him. You would think with the team the Lakers put on the floor it would be winning at a good rate, but that is not the case. Steve Nash has been injured and Dwight Howard is being Dwight Howard of course. How long will Kobe Bryant take this before he blows up on his team?

The one thing that Kobe Bryant does not like to do and that is lose basketball games. He is all about winning NBA Championships and he will not accept anything less. Kobe also is not beyond calling people on his team out in private or public. Most of the time Kobe will do it behind close doors, but is not afraid to go public to air his opinions either. Sometimes this can be a good or bad thing depending on the player.

Like him or hate him we will probably see Kobe Bryant go on a long rant about his team. Unless they start winning look for Mr. Bryant to go on a rant that will be comical but serious as well. Kobe is about winning and will call out anyone he feels is not pulling their weight on his team.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dwight Howard Gets Taught A Lesson By His Former Team The Orlando Magic

Dwight Howard wanted out of Orlando so bad he burned a lot of bridges along the way. Last night in Los Angeles he had a chance to extract some revenge on former teammates and the Orlando Magic. The problem is he cannot shoot free throws and who knows that better then the Orlando Magic. The Magic employed Hack a Howard on their way to a 113-103 win. The Magic used balanced scoring to win the game that seen Dwight Howard walk off the court without shaking any Magic players hands. I guess there is still a bitter taste in his mouth about the way things went down.

For the Los Angeles Lakers they cannot keep losing to these teams they should easily beat. If Hack a Howard worked for the Magic you know other teams are going to use it as well. It just makes sense to do it when Howard is struggling at the free throw line. For Magic fans it had to be a Magical night in Orlando as they got Howard back for ditching them like he did. I can't imagine how loud the crowd will be in Orlando when Dwight Howard makes his one appearance for the year.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dwight Howard Needs To Put Clown Act Away For Good In L.A.

Now that Dwight Howard is a Los Angeles Laker he better change a few things or he will quickly find out Los Angeles is not where he wants to be. The clown act that worked in Orlando will not work in L.A. They expect Howard to come in and help them win a NBA Championship. His tired clown act that he used in Orlando will not be accepted by his teammates, fans, or the Lakers front office.

 The second thing that Dwight Howard must do is make a commitment to winning in Los Angeles. At times in Orlando Howard he got lazy and stood around and did not come to play. He will not be able to do that in Los Angeles. Kobe Bryant will get in his face very quickly if he thinks Dwight Howard is not pulling his weight. Kobe is a guy who wants to win and will not tolerate a player who is there for just fun and games.

 Yes, Dwight Howard is very talented, but in Los Angeles it is more then a game and Howard will realize that quickly. If he wants to win an NBA Championship he better change a few things and that means putting the clown act away. If he does that his time in Los Angeles could be real good for him, if not he might find an early ticket out of Los Angeles.

Will Kobe And Dwight Howard Co-Exist In L.A.?

Now that Dwight Howard is a Los Angeles Laker can he and Kobe co-exist in L.A. until Kobe retires. Kobe has not exactly had the warmest of relationships with the Big Men in Los Angeles. The story of Shaq and Kobe has been well documented through the years and Kobe and Pau Gasol has not always been on the same page. Will Dwight Howard be another fail relationship with Kobe before he retires from the NBA?

Kobe Bryant is a guy who wants to win NBA Championships and will get a long with Dwight Howard to a certain point. When he see’s Dwight Howard not pulling his weight than there will be a problem. Can they co-exist? The answer is yes, but it will depend on how much each player is willing to do. Kobe expects a lot from his teammates, and will not put up with teammates that slack on the job.

 Dwight Howard will have a big impact on if they co-exist in Los Angeles as well. He needs to have his game face on every night. The clown act has to be left behind for television as Kobe wants dedicated serious players on the court. If Dwight Howard wants to clown around look for this relationship to be another rocky one.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dwight Howard Still Bulking At Signing Contract Extension With A New Team

It seems that the Dwight Howard saga just keeps dragging out and people around the NBA are getting tired of it. From fans to GM's Dwight Howard seems to be burining a lot of bridges. In the end, he may wish he did this another way. The path that Dwight Howard is going down is going to make him a bigger villian then Lebron James did it seems. Yes, James made a mistake in the way he did it, but it seems Dwight Howard has not learned anything from the James debacle.
The way James did it is different then Howard, but in the end Howard is not helping himself out by not being willing to sign an extension if he is traded. Dwight Howard is going to tet the free agent market, but he maybe surprised if he does not get the kind of money that he wants. It would not surprise me to see owners not offer him the max contract that he is hoping for. Other players have tried this before and it has not always worked out for them.
Hopefully, Dwight Howard knows what he is doing, but sometimes I wonder. He could be forced to sign with a team that is not very good now, but it's his choice. Getting traded to the Lakers or another contender gives him a chance to play with a good team. In the end, Dwight Howard might have limited choices in free agency. I guess only time will tell if he is making a good decision by not be willing to sign an extension if traded.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dwight Howard Making Demands Once Again No Real Surprise

Dwight Howard making demands should not come as a surprise to NBA fans anymore. It seems Mr. Howard will now only resign with the Brooklyn Nets when he becomes a free agent. Now if I was teams I would stay as far away from Howard as I could. He has proven to be a flip flopper and you cannot trust what comes out of his mouth. He thinks he is bigger then life and can dictate where he is going to play. If I was Orlando I would send him wherever I could get the best deal.

Mr. Howard has really become a disappoint to the NBA and himself in my opinion. He was at one time one of the most popular NBA players, but he is also losing his fan base. Lebron James was the most hated player at one time, but I'm starting to think Dwight Howard is inching up on that title now. Hopefully, the Orlando Magic will get smart and cut ties with Dwight Howard as soon as possible.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Stan Van Gundy And Otis Smith Shown The Door In Orlando

This was something we knew would happen as it was just when the axe would fall on Coach Stan Van Gundy and GM Otis Smith. Both of these men had issues with Dwight Howard and it looks like Orlando has taken Dwight Howard's side in all of this in the end. Orlando's official statement was they wanted new voices in this position. The real truth is Dwight Howard did not want them around and that is why they were shown the door. As a coach Stan van Gundy has average 55 wins for the Magic. With some of the teams he had that was a great job coaching. Besides Dwight Howard Van Gundy really did not have any top notch players. Most of the people he was given were either past their prime or basically a role player. I give Stan Van Gundy a lot of credit for the Magic success. Where do the Magic go from here? I am sure they will ask Dwight Howard what kind of coach he wants as it seems he has a lot of input into this. If the Magic fail to make the playoffs this coming season this will be a black mark on the organization. Letting a player determine the fate of your coach and others is just not the way to go.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dwight Howard Will Have Back Surgery Done For Season

The Orlando Magic got the kinda of news they did not want to hear as their superstar in the middle Dwight Howard will be done for the season. This is huge for the Magic who rely on Howard for many things, but now they must play without him in the playoffs. Orlando all season has shown they can play well, but have never put it together when they really need too. Now without Dwight Howard everyone must step up and that includes his replace Glen "Big Baby" Davis who has been play well as of late.

Others on Orlando such as Jameer Nelson and Jason Richardson will also need to play big roles. Ryan Anderson and J.J. Redick must provide offense in big numbers for the Magic. It will be interesting to see how deep in the playoffs that the Magic can go without Howard. It could be one and done for Orlando unless they come together in a big way. Only time will tell what will happen, but with playoffs approaching fast we will know real soon.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dwight Howard Does He Really Want Stan Van Gundy Gone?

It seems everyday or every other day another story comes out of Orlando about the Dwight Howard and Stan Van Gundy saga. In fact, the newest rumor that was shot down was that Howard call the Magic owner and told him he will not play for Gundy anymore. This is a departure from what both Van Gundy and Howard agreed to in a recent meeting. Howard is out right now with a bad back and this news came as a shock, but not to Orlando fans.

Orlando have been dealing with stories like this most of the season and this is nothing new. Over the last few years stories have trickle out about this rocky relationship. This is probably just another installment in that relationship. I look for Orlando to get bounced from the playoffs quickly and then Stan Van Gundy will be fired. I do not see any way they can bring him back into the fold with all the stories going around.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Orlando Magic Must Win Without Dwight Howard

The Orlando Magic got the bad news that Dwight Howard will be out for some time with a herniated disk in his lower back. This is a blow to the Magic who have been struggling without him in the lineup. This means everyone else on the team will need to step up. I seriously doubt if others will step up as they have not done that all season long, so why would they start now. Without Howard in the middle it means Glen Davis will be the guy in the middle for the Orlando Magic. I will admit Davis has played well as a starter, but it's the others around him that have not done the job.

This season Orlando just has been to inconsistent and you cannot win an NBA Championship that way. With Dwight Howard out for an extended time do not look for the Magic to go very deep in the playoffs. They could be out after Round one and if that happens Stan Van Gundy could be out as well. These next two weeks will be interesting for the Orlando Magic and it will tell us a lot about the players they have on the roster right now. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dwight Howard Can His Image Be Repaired?

Dwight Howard wanted his coach fired, and now he's trying to do damage control on the situation. Stan Van Gundy and Dwight Howard have agreed to put the team first and try to go deep into the playoffs. I really do not see that happening with the circus that surrounds the Orlando Magic. Dwight Howard has become a coach killer and he knows it. The perception of Dwight Howard is he has not grown up yet pulling power plays when he is not happy with something. Hey Dwight try playing for Pat Riley and see how much power plays you pull.

Everyone now knows that the reason Dwight Howard stayed with the Magic is he was promised input on many different things. I guess the next coach was one of them. Yes, Dwight Howard is a talented basketball player, but that does not mean he should be running the Orlando Magic. It goes to show you when you let players make decisions like this the team struggles. If you do not believe that look at the Orlando Magic the last month of the season. They have been horrible, and the sad part they will get no better.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...