
Showing posts with label ray allen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ray allen. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2012

Paul Pierce A Little Bitter About Ray Allen's Exit

Paul Pierce has always been a guy that tells you what is on his mind. With Ray Allen leaving you had to wonder how the Celtics star would take it. He admitted on his website he was a little bitter about Allen going to the Heat, but called Allen his brother still. Pierce knows that Ray Allen was a vital cog in the championship that they won together. It will be weird for Allen to be the enemy and Pierce will have some adjusting that's for sure.

Pierce said that Ray Allen did what was best for his family, but it does not mean it did not hurt Pierce a little bit. Pierce, Garnett, and Allen have been through many wars together and losing one of your brothers is tough. Pierce understands it a business and will move on and play basketball. I'm sure when they meet on the court they will get after each other as the competition is something both players love.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Doc Rivers Takes Blame For Ray Allen's Departure From Boston

The departure of Ray Allen from the Boston Celtics to the Miami Heat has been a bitter pill for Celtics fans to swallow, but they will move on. Doc Rivers takes most of the blame for Ray Allen moving to the Miami Heat. The one thing about Doc Rivers he does what is best for the team and Ray Allen really did not like it. Toss in his rocky relationship with Rajon Rondo and Allen is now a Miami Heat player.

Even though Doc Rivers takes most of the blame for Allen leaving the Celtics it is not all his fault. As players get older they do not like to defer or come off the bench. This is something that bugged Ray Allen and he bolted to the Heat. Most likely though he will be coming off the bench for the Heat so his situation has really not changed much at all. It will be interesting to see how Ray Allen handles it as he will get fewer touches than in Boston. Rajon Rondo probably is happy Allen is gone, but only time will tell if Allen made a good move.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The End Of An Era Boston's Big Three!

It looks like the writing is on the wall for The Big Three this will probably be the last season they are together. Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce have all seen their best years behind them. Breaking them up is something the Celtics will need to do soon. All three players are still good, but right now the Celtics are just too old to compete. When they play teams that are younger the big three struggle to keep up with them.

Boston needs to get younger and still keep the Big Three, but that is just not possible. The way the salary cap is these days Boston will need to let go of someone. Allen or Garnett are most likely the ones that will be going. I look for this to be Ray Allen's last year in the NBA, and Garnett could be traded. Now that the Celtics are on the downswing it should be much easier to trade these players out of Boston without much bitching from the fans.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...