
Showing posts with label miami heat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miami heat. Show all posts

Friday, June 20, 2014

Lebron James Has limited Choices If He Wants To Win Championships

Most people think Lebron James has many opportunities to go anywhere he wants and win championships, but that is really not the case. There are only a handful of teams that have the talent to win, but most cannot give him max money. This really leaves Lebron James with limited options. WHat will Lebron do?

In the end I think James will stay with Miami and not opt out unless Wade and Bosh does as well. James is not happy with the Heat for not upgrading the roster during the season and it cost him a chance to repeat and make his mark in history. King James loves the history of the game and wanted to be a part of it. He will not opt out of what is owed him especially if the Heat will not add some quality players to the roster.

You can not blame James as he carried the team all year long and the playoffs as well. He has a lot of pull right now because of his performance this past season. I look for him to remain with the Heat, but it will be interesting to see how this all works out. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pat Riley Is Pissed, But Who Really Cares

Pat Riley went to the podium to vent like he seems to do when he is not happy about something. I guess you cannot blame him. He was hoping to win another NBA Championship, but that did not work out the way he had hoped. The one thing Riley has always hated is when people question him about things. Over the years he has always been that way. People say they never read what is written or listen to what is said, but that is just not true. If that is true we would have never seen Pat Riley today.

What has Mr. Riley is such a bad mood was simple people questioning what he was going to do since the Heat lost to the Spurs. Riley has always been a guy about winning, so it comes as no surprise that he will retool the Heat again. He was to four straight Finals and losing two never sits well with him. I look for Miami to be better in the upcoming season no matter who puts on the uniform. Thats just how Pat Riley  does things as Heat's president.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Will Carmelo Anthony Make It A Big Four In Miami?

Rumors have been making there way that the Heat are talking about adding Carmelo Anthony to the Big Three in Miami. Is this something that is possible? The truth is it can be done, but the Big Three will have to take pay cuts for it to happen. I do not know if the Big Three want to sacrifice all that money just to win championships. There are other problems with it as well. Let us look at some of them.

One of the biggest problems will be egos. Can Carmelo Anthony work with the Big Three? I just do not see that working out for them. Anthony wants to be the main man and in Miami he will just be part of a group. It sounds good on paper, but in practice it will not work. Fan backlash will be huge as well. Miami is already hated, but it will reach another level altogether.

Other teams will start to put together there own Big Three as well. This is not good for the league as you will have some super teams and ones that will just be average. I think it will water down the product and that is not a good thing at all. In the end, I think this is bad all the way around for basketball.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Miami vs San Antonio Game 1 Preview

Well we are at the NBA Finals for another year and it looks like we could have the making of a very good finals. San Antonio is hosting Miami in Game 1. The first game is always very important even though teams tend to downplay how important it really happens to be.

The Miami Heat must start quickly out of the game in San Antonio. The Spurs are tough at home and you do not want to give the Spurs and chances so a quick start is very important. Another important thing is to limit second chance shots and play good defense. Do not make nothing easy for the Spurs if the Heat want to win Game 1.

San Antonio has to slow down the Heat by slowing the game up. Miami would rather get up and down the court and this is something that the Spurs want to avoid at all costs. Playing good consistent defense will also be important to the Spurs. San Antonio needs to feed off there home if they want to win.

I like the Spurs to take Game 1 in the series. This is going to be a very long series and even if you lose Game 1 that does not mean you cannot win this series.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Will Lebron James Ever Go Back To Cleveland?

The Cleveland Cavaliers got the No.1 pick in the lottery, but is it enough to sway Lebron James to come home to Cleveland. Everyone would like to see a fairy tale ending, but I just do not see that happening anytime soon. The first problem is Cleveland really has nobody that James probably really wants to play with. Secondly, the Cavaliers are a number of years away and he is not going to waste years playing for no championships.

Lebron James I think would return to Cleveland in the right situation. Right now it is not the right situation and it could be a number of years before it happens to be. Maybe the only way it could happen would be if Miami starts to struggle and he can convince D-Wade or Bosh to come to Cleveland with him. That would be the only way I can see him returning to Cleveland.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Can Anyone Stop The Heat From A Third Straight NBA Championship?

Most everyone you talk to will tell you the road to the NBA Champion ship will run through Miami once again. I will admit the way the Heat have been playing that very could be the truth. It seems they always play there best basketball about now. Lebron James is having another MVP season and leading the Heat to some impressive wins. Can anyone dethrone them?

Out West there could be a few teams that should give the Heat trouble if they meet. Many people think Oklahoma City can, but I just do not see that. They do not seem to be able to finish the deal and I think that will continue this season as well. I like the Clippers as they have everything in place to make the push. Getting Doc Rivers could make the difference.

In the East the Heat will have two main contenders the Bulls and the Pacers. Many people are writing off the Bulls,but I am not one of them. Chicago knows how to beat the Heat. They have also been playing without there superstar Derrick Rose, so that won't be a problem either. Indiana is another team that knows how to beat the Heat. They have the right mix this year to get it done. Having the talent and getting it done is two different things.

 In the end it will take a great effort to dethrone the Heat. It will be interesting to see if anyone can do it.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lebron James Should Never End A Dunk Contest

Over the years many people have wanted King James to enter the slam dunk contest. There are a long list of reasons why he hasn't and many are valid points. I do have my theory on why it would be a waste of time for King James to enter. First and foremost he could probably win it pretty easy and then he would have to listen to the competition level was not that good. If he lost he would hear people say they knew he was not that good of a dunker. Lastly, it will not change people's opinion of him.

 LeBron James would be better off just to continue to skip the dunk contest. Like he has said before he is better as an in-game dunker then a contestant. No matter how much the fans would love to see him enter the reality is it will never happen. Enjoy King James on the court as that is the only time you will see him dunk.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Miami Heat Still Prove They Are At Top Of Their Game

The Miami Heat know that the Indiana Pacers are looking to take over the top spot in the Eastern Conference, but Miami is not ready to give it up just yet. Lebron James and Dwayne Wade held the Heat together as they were able to beat the Indiana Pacers at home.

For the Pacers they built a lead only to see it vanish in the fourth quarter. Indiana must learn how to close out games on the road. Right now they have not mastered that and it cost them on Miami. Later on the season this loss could come back to haunt them, but we will have to wait and see.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nets Stop Heat Are They For Real Or Just A Pretender

The Brooklyn Nets made some moves in the off-season designed to make a move in the Eastern Conference in the NBA. Trading for Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett were huge and they give the Nets a toughness they have been lacking. Last night the Nets showed they can play basketbll against the best by beating the Miami Heat.

Miami could have a little tougher time in the East this year. With Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett the Nets look poised to give the Heat fits this season. Botj Pierce and Garnett know how to play against the Heat, so that should help the Nets as well. No matter what it could be an interesting season for the Nets this season.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Doc Rivers Takes Blame For Ray Allen's Departure From Boston

The departure of Ray Allen from the Boston Celtics to the Miami Heat has been a bitter pill for Celtics fans to swallow, but they will move on. Doc Rivers takes most of the blame for Ray Allen moving to the Miami Heat. The one thing about Doc Rivers he does what is best for the team and Ray Allen really did not like it. Toss in his rocky relationship with Rajon Rondo and Allen is now a Miami Heat player.

Even though Doc Rivers takes most of the blame for Allen leaving the Celtics it is not all his fault. As players get older they do not like to defer or come off the bench. This is something that bugged Ray Allen and he bolted to the Heat. Most likely though he will be coming off the bench for the Heat so his situation has really not changed much at all. It will be interesting to see how Ray Allen handles it as he will get fewer touches than in Boston. Rajon Rondo probably is happy Allen is gone, but only time will tell if Allen made a good move.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Can Lebron James Close The Deal In This NBA Finals?

Lebron James is one player whom has taken a lot of heat for his past failures. Some were warranted, but some were not. This year looks like he has a good chance to finally get that elusive NBA Championship that he has wanted. Can he close the deal this year in the NBA Finals? This could be the toughest test he has faced in his career in a long time. The Thunder have Kevin Durant and is a very deep team. The Heat have some talent as well, but no where the depth of the Thunder.

This NBA Finals will come down to James and how much can he can carry the Heat. Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh have their moments, but in the end it will come down to what James can do. Lebron James can control a game if he wants to and will needed to be called upon in this final few games. Without James playing his best I just do not see the Miami Heat winning it. The bad part for James if the Heat lose he will be the one who gets blame once again.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Can Anyone Stop D-Wade And Lebron From The Title?

The Miami Heat are moving on to the Eastern Conference Finals and Dwayne Wade and Lebron James are the reason they are there right now. Both players played well in the Indiana series and when was called upon delivered in the clutch. Can this be the year Lebron gets his title? It looks like the Miami Heat could win the title this year, but still have a few obstacles to overcome to make it there and win it all. First, the Boston Celtics stand in their way if they make it to the Eastern Conference Finals. Boston has given the full Heat squad troubles all season long.

San Antonio and Oklahoma City will not be an easy out either. The Spurs and Thunder both present some tough challenges for the Miami Heat if they make it back to the NBA Finals. The Heat will need Wade and James to play super and more contributions from the bench if they have any hopes of winning an NBA title. No matter how good these two play they will still need some help. The question is will they get it when they need it most. If they do they could become NBA champions.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Will Lebron James Ever Become A Clutch Player?

First it was in Cleveland,and then the latest All-Star game, and now in Utah. Lebron James had chances to cement his legacy as a clutch player in each instant and never could. Now later in his career those same questions are now dogging him. James in my opinion is just not a clutch player right now, like a Kobe Bryant or Kevin Durant. He may one day be one, but right now he wants to win games and feels he is making the best decisions for the team.

Others would like to see him take that clutch shot, but right now he is not confident doing that and he will not. No matter how much the press beats him up he will defer until he feels confident enough to take the shot. Maybe one day Lebron James will, but right now is not that day. He is just not confident enough to do it. He is no Michael Jordan who thrived on the moment. James right now is a great player searching for his way and right now in the background is where he wants to be.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...