
Showing posts with label ryan braun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ryan braun. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brewers Fans Show Lots Of Class To Ryan Braun

You could not blame Brewers fans if they booed Ryan Braun on Opening Day. Braun let the Brewers fans down with his lies and deceit. What did the Brewers do on Opening Day at Miller Park when Braun took his at-bat they gave him a standing ovation. Now there was some boos, but for the most part it was all cheers.

Brewers fans showed that they can forgive a player for past mistakes. Braun made a big one and you can be sure the standing ovation touched him deeply. Most players could never fathom that Braun would get such a reception. Brewers fans have always been loyal to a fault, and Braun has a loyal following in Milwaukee, so this should not come as a shock to anyone.

Hopefully, Braun has learned his lesson and will not make anymore mistakes in the future. I do not know if the Brewers fans would forgive a second time for more transgressions.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Kind Of Year Will Ryan Braun Have In 2014

Ryan Braun now has the 2013 season behind him and all the lies and troubles. What kind of season can Brewers fans expect from their talented superstar? The truth is Ryan Braun did not need the drug enhancing help, as he was a good player before those things entered his body. One of the toughest things Ryan Braun will deal with is the abuse from fans. It can get pretty nasty and how he handles could determine what kind of season he will have this season. Braun has been pretty good about handling the boos, but if he struggles the boos may become a problem.

I look for Braun to have a MVP type season once again. He should be rested as his suspension helped him get healthy once again. When healthly Ryan Braun is one of the best players in baseball. The Milwaukee Brewers need him this season if they want to improve on the dismal 2013 season. Fans of the Milwaukee Brewers will expect alot from Braun as he has let them down in the past. For him to get back in there good graces it will take a couple of great seasons.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ryan Braun Can We Really Trust Him

Ryan Braun has finally admitted he used performance enhancing drugs during his MVP year and issue a text statement telling how sorry he is about his mistakes. The problem with his apology is how do we know he really means it. Various reports have him using PED’s all the way back to high school. Now I do not know if that is the case, but if it is that’s very sad.

If Ryan Braun wanted people to forgive him for his transgressions he needed to hold a press conference and take questions. People want to know why he did what he did. The text statement did help explain some, but not everything. He owes his fans, the Brewers, and Major League Baseball at least that much it seems. Maybe one day Ryan Braun will understand cheating never gets you anywhere. He threw away a Hall of Fame career for what one or two seasons of MVP type play. Was it worth it Mr. Braun I highly doubt it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Why Ryan Braun Should Never Wear A Brewers Uniform Again

Ryan Braun was trusted by many including management and fans. He shot an arrow through everyone’s heart with his suspension. We trusted him and believe he was innocent for such a long time and the most he can give us is I’m sorry. Well, Mr. Braun that is not good enough for us Milwaukee Brewers fans. We expect much more from our players then what you have given us lately.

Growing up watching the Milwaukee Brewers players like Sixto Lezcano, Cecil Cooper, and Gorman Thomas did things the right way. These were some of the guys that built the foundation that you enjoy. Robin Yount and Paul Molitor never took short cuts and that is why they are in the Hall Of Fame. Mr. Braun you will never be a Hall Of Fame player now. At one time we thought you were destined to be there beside other Brewers. That day is forever gone and you cheated the fans which probably what hurts the most.

Suspension is not a punishment fitting the crime if you ask die-hard Brewers fans. We want more and should receive more in the gift of never seeing you wear the Milwaukee Brewers uniform again. It is a privileged to wear that uniform and you have tarnished everyone from former players to fans who trusted you. Hopefully, you will learn taking short cuts is not the way of the Brewers organization and banishment as a Brewers player is the only thing you will understand.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Ryan Braun Will Never Be The Same Again

Ryan Braun could have done things a lot different, and probably the easiest one is to tell the truth. Braun went from a hall of fame career to a player that players and fans despise. It is a shame that he could not just be honest and tell the truth. More and more people are getting fed up with the PED use in Major League Baseball and I cannot say I blame them. It has ruined the game that people love and Braun has become another casualty along the way. Most MLB players do it the right way, but many guys like Braun cheat only to get caught down the road.  Where does this leave Major League Baseball these days?

The truth is many people have been turned off by all the PED use in baseball. The sad part is I do not think we have reached the end of the suspensions or the PED use in MLB. Players will continue to use them until we get serious about banishment for life. I know that seems like a harsh penalty, but sometimes that is what is needed. Players make so much money a fine or suspension to them is a slap on the wrist.  I guess the only thing that will work is a lifetime ban no matter how tough that may seem. I wish we had not reached this point, but we have it seems. Baseball will recover from this, but it will take a very long time for this to happen. Let’s hope as baseball fans we do not have to see to many more cases like Ryan Braun’s.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ryan Braun Wins Appeal Delivers Blow To MLB Drug Testing

Ryan Braun said he was innocence and the panel by a score of 2-1 agree with him and now he will not need to serve a 50 game suspension. This is great news to Milwaukee Brewers baseball fans and Braun supporters. How Braun beat the test maybe a little shady in people's eyes, but they followed the rules and beat the system plain and simple. Yes, it may not look right but let us take a closer look at something that many people are overlooking about Ryan Braun.

Braun has passed over 25 drug tests in my career, including at least three in the past year. A person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press that, after being informed of the positive result, Braun asked to have another urine test taken, and that the second test was within normal range. The key is the second test at the same time that was taken was normal. This goes to show you something was flawed in the testing. Braun has passed 28 tests and deserved to win his appeal. Even if he did not win his appeal I am sure he would have brought evidence to prove what he was taking and why. We will never know that evidence because he did not need it. MLB drug testing failed this time around and Braun was the lucky winner.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Around The Diamond: 2012 Milwaukee Brewers

Time for our early MLB Previews and today we will look at the 2012 Milwaukee Brewers. Milwaukee finally made the playoffs, but could not stop the eventual winner the St. Louis Cadinals. The Brewers did win the NL Central and should be a contender for it this coming season. Milwaukee has some issues it must address in the off-season. Maybe their biggest is what to do at first base. It looks like they will not resign Prince Fielder, so Mat Gamel will get his shot at first base.

Milwaukee also may have to deal with losing Ryan Braun as he had a positive test for drugs. He is appealing, and the Brewers will need to see how this works out for them. The Brewers did ship Casey McGehee to the Pirates for pitcher Jose Veras. This deal was done because the Brewers signed former Cub 3B Aramis Ramirez. Milwaukee is counting on Ramirez to pick up the slack with Fielder probably gone.

The Brewers also will have another shortstop as they signed Alex Gonzalez. He is a good shortstop, but his numbers with the bat will not wow anyone. The bullpen for the most part will be back. For the Brewers to contend again in 2012 they will need a team effort. Nyjer Morgan must continue to play with a steady head and the Brewers must stay injury free.

Starting pitching for the Brewers should be fine and even better this year. I look for the Brewers to contend again for the National League Championship. A lot will will depend on the pitching and if it holds up the Brewers could find themselves in the 2012 World Series.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ryan Braun Named National League MVP

Ryan Braun of the Milwaukee Brewers took home the National League MVP trophy even though some thought Matt Kemp of the Los Angeles Dodgers should have won it. Kemp did have better numbers than Braun, but when you play on a third place team that's what happens.

I had Braun winning the title because he carried the Brewers in September and is a clutch player when the Brewers needed him. Kemp was hindered by not playing in meaningful games in September. No matter who one both would have been a good choice. Braun pocketed an extra 100,000 for the MVP win.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...