
Showing posts with label players. Show all posts
Showing posts with label players. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

MLB Baseball Is Back But Why?

Well, it took a long time, but Major League Baseball and the Players Union was able to finally agree on something a 60 game season. My question is why are we even playing this season to be brutally honest. How can we determine a true champion when we aren't playing even half of a season. There are some rule changes which I won't go into right now, but there are a few things that worry me.

I think we are going to have a rash of injuries to players even though we are going to have an abbreviated spring training. Players are going to come back out of shape and we are not going to see good baseball to start. We will be seeing a watered-down product just so we can get the season in which it is a shame.

I'd rather skip the season and work on getting things right for next season then rush in on a failed shortened season. Apparently, baseball does not care which is something fans have known for a very long time. After this debacle, it's going to be a while before we see baseball again like we know it.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Why Can't Baseball Get It Right For A Change?

Well as the weeks go by it looks like baseball players and owners are drifting further apart which is sad. Both sides are battling about the number of games and how much they will get paid. Players want 100 percent of their salary and a certain number of games. Now I'm for everyone getting paid, but if you do not play a full season I don't think you should get paid every dime your owed. There are alot of people out of work, so you cannot expect to get much support from fans who are struggling to make ends meet. 

The owners are not much better as well. They are not willing to budge just like the players. If this season is going to get done both sides must come together. Getting a deal done means both sides need to compromise, but right now that is not happening and were at a stalemate. What's the future for baseball?

I really think a deal will get done eventually, but at what cost. Will fans return to the sport, or will they just move on. Die-hard baseball fans will return, but in the climate we live in these days getting along seems the easy way out. It's too bad baseball owners and players do not understand this easy concept.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

NHL Hockey Changes That Need To Be Made

For the longest time I watch and followed the NHL as it was a sport I really enjoyed a lot. Now do not get me wrong I still love it but I think some changes need to made to the game. Fighting it seems these days are a big part of the game. In the Olympics you see no fighting and it is a much more crisper game and fun to watch and enjoy. Fighting also takes a way from the players who really are very talented. I think hockey players do not get enough credit for how good they really happen to be. I kńow fighting will never leave the sport, but toning it down would be a good idea.

The second thing I would love to see is better promotion of the game by the networks and the NHL. Some of the people I talk to do not even realize half the time a game is on television. A good idea would be to have more games around the holidays like the NBA and NFL has capitalized on. Promotion is something that the NHL does not do very well at all.  

Marketing is another area that the NHLmis lacking as well. If you go into stores during hockey season you cannot even find and type of merchandise. As kids grow up they could collect hockey things like they do other sports. The problem is most stores do not even realize that the NHL exists anymore and that is a shame. The NHL has a good product but are dropping the ball many different ways. If the NHL wants to grow and get more involved in the sport they need to market better. By marketing better there television contracts will get better and players, fans, and everyone else will benefit. Hopefully, the NHL will quit dropping the ball and make the NHL a quality product again.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Concussions Killing The NFL

Concussions lately have been the talk of most NFL fans and people in the know. The NFL has taken a lot of negative press for concussions, but I am here to say it should not all be on the NFL. Yes, it is a problem and the NFL does need to do more, but players have to be honest as well. I will bet you that many NFL players are not truthful with doctors so they can continue playing. It has always been that way and I do not see that stopping anytime soon.

The truth is players are putting their futures in jeopardy and they do not seem to care either. That is sad, but a reality that we are facing right now. The NFL does need to do more, but the players have to be honest as well. If players are not going to be honest about their injuries the NFL has its hands tied. Hopefully, NFL players will not hide information from doctors as in reality they are hurting themselves later in life.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Finally! NFL And Players End Lockout!

Well it is about time as this lockout has went on long enough. The NFL and Players have both agreed to a new contract and at least part of the pre-season should be played. At least the season will not be lost which it looked like was a possibility for awhile. We know we will have NFL Football for some time now and fans everywhere could not be happier.

Now that the strike is over for good it is time we get back talking football which we love. Today, we will start our NFL 2011 Preview and we are going to look at the Tennessee Titans first, who have a lot of questions to answer before they hit the NFL field this coming season. Look for it later on the blog!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fans Get Ready For NFL Football As Vote Comes Monday

I will admit I am tired of all this strike talk and will be glad to write about football again in a positive sense, and talk about the upcoming season which should be a good one. Now that the strike is virtually over fans can start hitting the message boards and blogs telling everyone why their team will win the Super Bowl.

Teams and owners also have a lot of work to do as well. Training camps will be opening and getting ready for the season and signing free agents will be high on their list. Come tomorrow we will start our countdown to the season by looking at each team and what we see for them. Look for it tomorrow here at Sports Blogging Network. I am one happy camper this bullshit strike is over, and now let's talk some football.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...