
Showing posts with label PED's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PED's. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2013

MLB Suspend A-Rod And 12 Others For PED Scandal

Major League Baseball kept there promise and suspended 13 MLB players for the latest PED scandal. A-Rod took the hardest hit as he got 211 games suspension while others just got  50 game suspensions. Alex Rodriguez has deep pockets, so he will appeal and fight it for as long as he can. A-Rod's suspension is one that could go on for quite awhile I think. The other players went quietly in the night and we serve their suspension so they can get back as soon as they can.

For A-Rod he was hoping it would never come to this, but eventually it had to come to this. Alex was deep into this clinic recruiting others to use it. The evidence against him is alot and I think A-Rod will be sitting a lot of games. It is a shame players cannot learn to stay away from PED's. They have hurt their careers, cheated the fans, but most of all they have cheated themselves.

Here is the list of players that got suspended:

• Antonio BastardoPhillies reliever
• Francisco CervelliYankees catcher (on DL)
• Jordany ValdespinMets outfielder (minors)
• Jesus MonteroMariners catcher (minors)
• Cesar Puello, Mets outfielder (minors)
•  Sergio EscalonaAstros pitcher (minors)
• Fernando Martinez, Yankees outfielder (minors)
• Fautino De Los Santos, free-agent pitcher
• Jordan Norberto, free-agent pitcher

Friday, July 26, 2013

Ryan Braun Will Never Be The Same Again

Ryan Braun could have done things a lot different, and probably the easiest one is to tell the truth. Braun went from a hall of fame career to a player that players and fans despise. It is a shame that he could not just be honest and tell the truth. More and more people are getting fed up with the PED use in Major League Baseball and I cannot say I blame them. It has ruined the game that people love and Braun has become another casualty along the way. Most MLB players do it the right way, but many guys like Braun cheat only to get caught down the road.  Where does this leave Major League Baseball these days?

The truth is many people have been turned off by all the PED use in baseball. The sad part is I do not think we have reached the end of the suspensions or the PED use in MLB. Players will continue to use them until we get serious about banishment for life. I know that seems like a harsh penalty, but sometimes that is what is needed. Players make so much money a fine or suspension to them is a slap on the wrist.  I guess the only thing that will work is a lifetime ban no matter how tough that may seem. I wish we had not reached this point, but we have it seems. Baseball will recover from this, but it will take a very long time for this to happen. Let’s hope as baseball fans we do not have to see to many more cases like Ryan Braun’s.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...