
Showing posts with label ozzie guillen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ozzie guillen. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are The Fans And Florida Ready For Their New Manager Ozzie Guillen

It didn't take the Florida Marlins or Ozzie Guillen long to agree on a contract as he was introduced as the next Florida Marlins manager. Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria wanted to make a big splash with the opening of a new stadium 2012 season, and what better way than hiring a manager like Ozzie Guillen.

No matter what anyone thinks about Ozzie Guillen he has proven to be a winner and that is what he will bring to the Florida Marlins. It will be interesting to see how he handles Hanley Ramirez and some of his antics. Ozzie is a guy who pulls no punches and will tell Ramirez the way it is going to me.

Florida has a goods manager in Guillen, but are they ready for all that comes with hiring him. It will be interesting to see how Guillen does in Florida as the expectations are not as high as they are in Chicago year after year. Yes, Florida wants to win, but they will give Guillen time to make the Marlins a championship caliber team. Should be an interesting ride for Marlins fans.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is It Time For Ozzie To Go In Chicago?

The Chicago White Sox continue there free fall and many people are wondering if the players have tuned out Ozzie Guillen. Is it time for Ozzie to go? Many people seem to think so and it is interesting that you have not heard any players step up to defend their manager much in the media. The White Sox have been getting beaten badly at times and that never bodes well for the manager.

Ozzie Guillen has been a very good manager for the White Sox, but maybe a change is needed. Sometimes players start to tune out a manager and that is what I think is happening to Ozzie. His players have grown tired of his antics and do not listen to him much anymore. The White Sox are talented and should be playing better baseball then they are right now.

This could be the last time we see Ozzie in a Chicago White Sox uniform as I expect him to be fired at season's end. I do not see how you can keep a guy where the players do not seem to perform well for him. Even when a team is losing they play hard, and at times you do not see that from the White Sox. A sad end it looks like for a guy who loves to manage the Chicago White Sox.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...