
Showing posts with label steroids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steroids. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Where Does A-Rod Rank Among The Game's Elite

Alex Rodriguez has now gotten 3,000 hits and over 500 home runs and owns many major league records, but where does he rank among the elite. This is an interesting question as you must look at many different things when you talk about A-Rod. One of the things you really do not need to look at is his numbers. They are some of the best around, but many people want to put an asterisk around those numbers, and I guess they should have the right to do that considering A-Rod's past.

Everyone knows A-Rod has used steroids and have been suspended for it a good amount of games. Now I think this should factor into it, but the question is how much of a factor. It is hard not to consider him an elite player as he showed what he could do before steroids. As a Mariner and a Rangers play he put up some very good numbers. He continued that as he moved to the Yankees. The real question which is anyones guess is when he started using steroids. No one really has an answer for that one.

The way I look at it is A-Rod was an elite prospect and would be an elite player no matter what. Taking it all away because of some mistakes is just not fair. I look for A-Rod to get the benefit of the doubt over time. He will get into the Hall Of Fame eventually it will just take some time for it to happen.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Kind Of Year Will Ryan Braun Have In 2014

Ryan Braun now has the 2013 season behind him and all the lies and troubles. What kind of season can Brewers fans expect from their talented superstar? The truth is Ryan Braun did not need the drug enhancing help, as he was a good player before those things entered his body. One of the toughest things Ryan Braun will deal with is the abuse from fans. It can get pretty nasty and how he handles could determine what kind of season he will have this season. Braun has been pretty good about handling the boos, but if he struggles the boos may become a problem.

I look for Braun to have a MVP type season once again. He should be rested as his suspension helped him get healthy once again. When healthly Ryan Braun is one of the best players in baseball. The Milwaukee Brewers need him this season if they want to improve on the dismal 2013 season. Fans of the Milwaukee Brewers will expect alot from Braun as he has let them down in the past. For him to get back in there good graces it will take a couple of great seasons.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ryan Braun Can We Really Trust Him

Ryan Braun has finally admitted he used performance enhancing drugs during his MVP year and issue a text statement telling how sorry he is about his mistakes. The problem with his apology is how do we know he really means it. Various reports have him using PED’s all the way back to high school. Now I do not know if that is the case, but if it is that’s very sad.

If Ryan Braun wanted people to forgive him for his transgressions he needed to hold a press conference and take questions. People want to know why he did what he did. The text statement did help explain some, but not everything. He owes his fans, the Brewers, and Major League Baseball at least that much it seems. Maybe one day Ryan Braun will understand cheating never gets you anywhere. He threw away a Hall of Fame career for what one or two seasons of MVP type play. Was it worth it Mr. Braun I highly doubt it.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...