
Showing posts with label wwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wwe. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Saying Goodbye To Mean Gene Okerlund

Over the years I have been a wrestling fan off and on, but the one guy that I never forgot or missed was a guy named Mean Gene Okerlund. Was he a wrestler? Nope! Was he someone that people missed when he was not on television? Yes, he was. Then who was this guy they called Mean Gene?

Mean Gene was nothing more than an announcer and topnotch interviewer. What set him apart from the others is he was a star at what he did. In fact, many times he was more popular than the guy who he was interviewing. That is rare in this business. Many people will tell Mean Gene was one of the most genuine guys in front of the camera and also behind the scenes.

Saying goodbye to a legend is tough. Mean Gene was 76 years old, but he gave us so many great memories. Mean Gene might be gone, but his memory will live forever. Below is a clip and from it, you can gather how great of an on-camera figure he actually was. RIP Mean Gene.

Friday, December 14, 2018

How Did Becky Lynch Become The Hottest Thing In The WWE

Watching Becky Lynch transform before our eyes have really been amazing. I can remember a time when she lost all the close matches time after time. I seriously thought that see may get cut from the WWE as she really wasn't doing much. I really do not know what changed for her, but she never gave up and believed in herself. Now she is the hottest thing in the WWE, but what has changed for her.

Becky Lynch followed the same kinda of a path that Stone Cold Steve Austin took. She came up with a catch phrase The Man and did not care what people thought about her. If they booed her she was fine with that just as she was if they cheered for her. She was her own woman and did not worry about anything. Becoming the best version of herself is all she wanted to do. She has accomplished that and is reaping the rewards.

What's next for Becky Lynch? She is trying to ride the wave she has created for as long as possible. The one thing professional wrestlers understand it can end at any time. Once you're in the spotlight it's just a matter of time before it is gone. It looks like Becky Lynch is going to enjoy this success as long as she can. You really cannot blame her for that because it's a tough business to stay on top.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

UnderTaker Is Back And Triple HHH Does Not Seem Happy!

I really thought Undertaker would return at the Royal Rumble, but he has made back to Raw and Triple HHH did not seem thrilled with it. In the clip below you can see Triple HHH reaction to The Deadman reappearing once again. I think that we will see The Undertaker in Wrestlemania, but against who is the question. Many different names have been floating around, but the one thing we do know The Undertaker is back and that cannot be good for the WWE Universe.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Big Red Monster Kane Is Back And There's Hell To Pay!

Kane was gone for awhile, but no one could imagine the Kane we would see again. The Big Red Monster is back and it looks like no one is safe. In fact, John Cena felt the wrath of Kane on Monday Night Raw for some reason. Kane has been nursing an injury, but apparently he is healed by his appearance on Monday Night Raw.

The Big Red Monster is much more dangerous it seems this time around. Whoever crosses path with The Big Red Monster it seems is in for some pain big-time. I guess we will have to wait to see what Kane is after and why he attacked John Cena. I am sure in the coming weeks we will find out why Kane went after Cena.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

When Will The Undertake Retire?

There comes a time where every professional wrestler must think about retirement. Has that time come for the immortal Undertaker? He has been a main event draw for many years, but in the last few years injuries have caught up with him. He does have that impressive streak of wins at Wrestlemania's that will never be broken, so why not retire.

Undertaker may have some unfinished business inside the ring. There maybe a few guys he would still love to beat that he has not had the chance to just yet. I look for Undertaker to run his string to 20-0 at Wrestlemania's and then he will retire. I hope he does not hang on too long like other's we have seen in recent years. Get out while you have your health as it is the best choice you can make. We will have to see how it plays out for the Undertaker and what path he chooses.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...