
Showing posts with label strike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strike. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NHL Hockey Could Be Big Winner If NBA Strike Drags On

No matter what anyone tell you NHL Hockey still struggles to draw in viewers on a consistent basis, but that could change if the NBA strike drags on. Most people think that the NBA season could be canceled and if it is that would be a boom for the NHL. Basketball fans need a sports fix and the most logical choice will be the NHL.

Some will not turn to the NHL, but I think more and more people will as they want something to watch. The NHL product has gotten better and this would be a chance for them to grasp a wider audience who hate strikes. If the NBA strike goes for a long time NHL could get the revival in the states that they have wanted for a very long time. It will all hedge on the length of the NBA strike. If it goes a long time the NHL will benefit the most that's for sure.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fans Get Ready For NFL Football As Vote Comes Monday

I will admit I am tired of all this strike talk and will be glad to write about football again in a positive sense, and talk about the upcoming season which should be a good one. Now that the strike is virtually over fans can start hitting the message boards and blogs telling everyone why their team will win the Super Bowl.

Teams and owners also have a lot of work to do as well. Training camps will be opening and getting ready for the season and signing free agents will be high on their list. Come tomorrow we will start our countdown to the season by looking at each team and what we see for them. Look for it tomorrow here at Sports Blogging Network. I am one happy camper this bullshit strike is over, and now let's talk some football.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

NFL And Players Fumble The Ball When It Comes To The Fans

Just like any other strike it is always the fans that people tend to forget about. The NFL owners have agreed in principle to end the lockout, but the players have not signed off on it. The owners have said this is the best deal they will offer the players.

This just goes to show you that neither side cares about the fans the ones who line their pocketbooks on a yearly basis. If the fans would stop buying the merchandise and going to the games then the owners and players would sing a different tune. Just as consumers boycott companies and products fans need to start doing the same thing.

If we could have a mass fan revolt for a couple of weeks players and owners would learn the fan has power. The way it stands though as soon as it is settle it will go back to the way it was until another strike happens. One of these days I would just like the players and owners to think about the fans for once. I forgot as long as the fan keeps lining their pockets they do not care.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...