
Showing posts with label michael jordan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label michael jordan. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2020

Jordan vs Lavar In Basketball Would Be Fun To Watch

The one thing you can say about Lavar Ball is he is a great marketer as he was able to get two sons drafted in the NBA by two different legends. Magic Johnson drafted Lonzo Ball and Michael Jordan drafted LaMelo Ball this year. Both players should be in the NBA for a number of years, but who becomes the best still is undetermined.

The big question people are asking is will we finally see a one-on-one contest between LaVar Ball and Michael Jordan. Many people forget that LaVar Ball did play college basketball and average a whopping 2.2 points in college. I'm still at a loss on how he thinks he could beat Michael Jordan one on one is beyond me. I guess we must give him credit for being confident or just misinformed about his abilities.

Jordan for his part has mostly kept quiet about this, but I'm sure we will hear more about this in the future. To be totally honest, I do not expect Jordan to ever consider playing one on one against LaVar. It does make good press for people and talk shows, but that's probably as far as it will ever go.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Lebron James Adds Another NBA Title But Is He The GOAT Now

Lebron James added another NBA Title to his resume by taking the Los Angeles Lakers to the top of the NBA. Does this make Lebron the official GOAT of the NBA? Many people think it does but just as many people will tell you it does not. Let's look deeper into that question and see what we can come up with on his GOAT status.

Now if you look at sheer numbers by the time King James hangs up the sneakers he could very well have every record imaginable in his name. No matter which side you come down on you can make numbers look good for both players, so let's look deeper than numbers for a minute.

James has been to 10 NBA Finals now with a 4-6 record while Jordan was a perfect 6-0 in the NBA Finals. Both players have been named NBA Finals MVP for every championship they have won. James has been to more, but Jordan's unblemished record makes it so hard to discount.

James has an impressive run to consecutive Finals which was broken last season when the Lakers missed the playoffs. Out of all the stats that stand out for Michael Jordan the one that does is two different three-peat NBA Championships. Winning three consecutive NBA titles is so hard. Jordan didn't do it once but twice.

In the end, James has some great accomplishments, but still only second in my opinion the greatest of all time. I will admit though he is getting a lot closer in the conversation that's for sure.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Losing Can Be A Good Thing For King James

Now through the years I have been critical of Lebron James and getting to the NBA Finals and winning them. When he went to Miami I thought he was buying an NBA Championship and he did win a couple of times, so you must tip your hat to him. Now though after another Finals loss many people keep piling it on Lebron James, but I will not be one of them. Many people want to compare him to Michael Jordan which just is not fair at all. Jordan will in my mind always be the greatest and never losing an NBA Finals has forever cemented his legacy.

Back to Lebron James and what he did in the NBA Finals. Now during this season he had Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving for different parts of it. Once he reached the NBA Finals though he lost two of his best players and the supporting cast was not the greatest, but good enough to win. Yes, Lebron James had a monster series, but this loss should be pinned on his supporting cast, but it will not. James teammates had plenty open looks, but did not knock them down when it counted. You cannot blame James for that one. He put them in position to make plays, but his teammates failed him miserably.

Losing this NBA Finals could be a good thing for King James. People were able to see one man cannot carry the whole team. James did all he could do against the Warriors to get a championship, but it did not happen. I think this lost showed people how much James cares about winning and how talented he happens to be as a basketball player. He did more then anyone could ask of a player. Win or lose give Lebron James credit he laid it all on the line for his team and the city of Cleveland. We really cannot ask anymore from him.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Michael Jordan Is The Best Ever End Of Argument Period

It seems as Michael Jordan gets older this debate continues to rage who the best player ever happens to be. Without a doubt Michael Jordan is the best ever and here is why. Many people these days think that because today's athletes are bigger, stronger, more technology available have to be better. Well I am here to tell you that is just not the case. Shoe designs are alot better today as well, but many people are forgetting the human element in all of this. Michael Jordan had many intangibles that you must factor in. He had a desire to win at all costs. It did not matter if he was ill or had to make it through four or five players he would do it.Another big factor is Jordan's ability to be able to take the tough shot. It did not matter how important it was Jordan relish in putting the dagger through your heart.

Jordan may not have the body of Lebron James or the speed of today's players, but that does not mean anything. He was talented in many other ways he would make up for it if he played in today's game. The other guy who people forget about all the time who was a talented guy was Oscar Robertson. When you can average a triple double that is saying something. In my book Michael Jordan is one and Oscar Robertson is second. Both players could beat you in many different ways. No matter what anyone tries to tell you Michael Jordan is the best end of story.

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Michael Jordan Show Off For Campers With A Dunk

Everybody knows Michael Jordan is widely considered the best player of all-time, but who would think he still could get up to dunk. In a camp he was running he wanted to show people he still had the ability to dunk the ball. Jordan is one of the players who maybe able to dunk even when he gets much older. He took care of himself and he still sometimes gets into practices and mix it up with his players. Michael Jordan will always be the greatest and I doubt if anyone will ever take that away from him.
It had to be exciting for the campers to see the legend still have the ability to jump up and dunk the ball in a camp. Jordan is a student of the game and he knows his limits and what he is capable of at his age. It still was nice to see Jordan can get up to the rim. Below is the pic of his dunk in case people do not believe it happened.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Lebron James Has Come A Long Way Since The Decision

Lebron James sure has come a long way since his fateful The Decision press conference. He now has won some NBA championships and even changed the way he is perceived by many people. James has really grown as a person and a player. He is getting better every year and that will continue for the next few years. Will he be able to pass Michael Jordan as the best ever?

For Lebron James he will always be chasing Michael Jordan just like every other player. Trying to be like Mike is just too tough. James is doing the right thing by being himself and delveloping his own game. The more James refines his game the better off he will be. James can do anything on the basketball court and the sky is the limit for.him. The key for him is to stay grounded and be the person he is right now. If he does that he will have a very successful NBA career.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kobe Or Lebron? Michael Jordan Chooses Kobe

This is a debate that has gone on for a number of years now. Who would you rather have Kobe Bryant or Lebron James. For the most part Michael Jordan has kept quiet on which player he would choose until today. Jordan was on a radio station and answer the question Kobe or Lebron. Michael Jordan did say he would take Kobe over Lebron as five championship's beat one any day of the week.

Lebron James could win more then five before he retires, but that is not the case right now. Until James wins more championships Michael Jordan got it right. Michael Jordan is all about winning and right now Kobe has more championships, so it was choice. Jordan measures players by championships and Kobe has Lebron beat on that aspect. Down the road it could change, but for right now in Jordan's eyes he will take Kobe Bryant.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Michael Jordan Gets 100,000 Fine For Sharing His Opinion

Michael Jordan has learned as a owner you have to follow certain rules even if your name is Michael Jordan. The NBA fined Michael Jordan $100,000 for public comments he made last month about the lockout and one of the league's players, according to sources with knowledge of the situation. I really think this is stupid, but it's the NBA and rules are rules I guess.

In an Aug. 19 interview with The Herald Sun, a newspaper in Australia, the Charlotte Bobcats owner spoke extensively about the need for revenue sharing and mentioned Milwaukee Bucks' Australian center Andrew Bogut. I think Jordan has learned his lesson and while their is a lockout look for him to keep quiet on any NBA subject. He can afford the 100,000, but I am sure he is not happy about it.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...