
Showing posts with label womens tackle football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label womens tackle football. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The WFA A Long Running Tackle Football League

 Lately I have gotten a few emails about the WFA and thought since I had some extra time I thought I would give it a look. I really didn't know what the WFA was so this was going to be a learning experience for me as well. I thought maybe the WFA had to do with professional wrestling, but it didn't and I was glad I learned about it.

The WFA is the Women's Football Alliance which is the largest and longest running competitive women's tackle football league in the world. Women's tackle football teams and leagues have been around for over four decades which I never knew. The WFA has broken many barriers with the National Championship Game being played in a NFL Stadium. Other barriers broken is 15 veteran WFA players have gotten coaching and scouting positions with NFL teams. As you can see the league is growing by leaps and bounds.

On January the WFA signed a television deal with ESPN to broadcast games. The WFA is entering its 13th season with over 60 teams in 4 divisions. By getting ESPN on board there will be more corporate sponsors that will be joining as well. This is a league that I will do more on in the coming weeks. Starting in April try to catch a WFA game near you. It sounds like a good time for everyone.

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