
Friday, June 19, 2015

What's Next For The Cavaliers?

What is next for the Cleveland Cavaliers and there team moving forward. Las Vegas already has them as the favorite to win it, but I am not so sure about that one just yet. Cleveland has a lot of issues that must be address this off season. LeBron James and Kevin Love will both probably opt out and must be resigned. Both players have indicated they want to be back with the Cavaliers and will resign with them.

Does resigning those two guarantee anything for the Cavaliers? The answer is no because that is only three players. Cleveland must improved there second unit if they want a chance for a title. The problem is finding those players in free agency. Other teams will also try and get them under contract as well. I do not think the real issue will be that for the Cleveland Cavaliers it will be LeBron James. No signing him won't be a problem it is all the other problems he brings to the team. Let's look at some of those issues right now.

LeBron James maybe the best player in the league right now but he is dong some things that will turn off other players. Chris Bosh said it best when he said it is tough playing basketball with LeBron James. He runs the team and some players that rubs the wrong way. There is a coach on the team, but LeBron basically overrules the coach in Cleveland. Players like a structure atmosphere and with James around many times that is not the case. For as good as James is he just has to much power as a player and that is why many guys don't want to play with him.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

David Blatt Deserved More Respect Then He Got

David Blatt was excited to be the Cleveland Cavaliers coach, but after one season he may have second thoughts about it. Blatt had a great resume of accomplishments in foreign countries, but doing it in the United States is much different. Blatt found out when you get to the states the pressure is very intense to deliver a winner to a franchise that has never won one. Cleveland is starved for a winner and when that happens many times people will show you no respect. Blatt has learned that first hand from his first full season in the NBA.

Everyone from the outside had this impression that David Blatt was running the team, but over the season we could see that was not the case at all. Lebron James was making more decisions as the season went along and you just cannot have that happen. Blatt became a lame duck coach. Players at the end were tuning him out and you had to feel sorry for the guy. No matter what decision he made the media jumped all over him about it. Coaching Lebron James is never easy, but knowing he has the authority to change things and overrule the coach had to hurt Blatt.

Where does this leave David Blatt? Well the truth is that is a good question. Blatt in my opinion will not be around long. Cleveland does everything to make Lebron James happy, so look for a new coach in the near future. I just cannot see Blatt playing second fiddle to Lebron James for a very long time. One of the main reasons is Blatt will never get the respect and credit he deserves and that is a shame. People have been piling it on Blatt for no real good reason.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Losing Can Be A Good Thing For King James

Now through the years I have been critical of Lebron James and getting to the NBA Finals and winning them. When he went to Miami I thought he was buying an NBA Championship and he did win a couple of times, so you must tip your hat to him. Now though after another Finals loss many people keep piling it on Lebron James, but I will not be one of them. Many people want to compare him to Michael Jordan which just is not fair at all. Jordan will in my mind always be the greatest and never losing an NBA Finals has forever cemented his legacy.

Back to Lebron James and what he did in the NBA Finals. Now during this season he had Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving for different parts of it. Once he reached the NBA Finals though he lost two of his best players and the supporting cast was not the greatest, but good enough to win. Yes, Lebron James had a monster series, but this loss should be pinned on his supporting cast, but it will not. James teammates had plenty open looks, but did not knock them down when it counted. You cannot blame James for that one. He put them in position to make plays, but his teammates failed him miserably.

Losing this NBA Finals could be a good thing for King James. People were able to see one man cannot carry the whole team. James did all he could do against the Warriors to get a championship, but it did not happen. I think this lost showed people how much James cares about winning and how talented he happens to be as a basketball player. He did more then anyone could ask of a player. Win or lose give Lebron James credit he laid it all on the line for his team and the city of Cleveland. We really cannot ask anymore from him.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

King James On Epic Finals Run

LeBron James many times has been his own worst enemy, saying things that could be turned around on him. In this Finals though he has been epic to say the least. James has done everything for his team. He was run out on a rail when he left Cleveland, but in this Finals without a doubt could be his best ever. James has been able to do whatever has been needed of him to win games. In fact, Cleveland could easily be up two games to none.

The one thing that has set James apart this Finals is his ability to keep the Cavaliers together despite all the injuries. Most teams would have fell apart, but James has been able to keep them together. This is a testament to the kind of leader LeBron James has been for the Cleveland Cavaliers. What's next for King James?

LeBron James must continue to play well in the NBA Finals, but some people will say he did not do enough. The truth is without James Cleveland would be down 2-0. James has had an Epic Finals and we should really expect no less from the best player in basketball. Like him or hate him give LeBron James credit for playing at such a high level despite the injuries.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Cleveland Cavaliers Blew A Golden Opportunity In NBA Finals

The Cleveland Cavaliers had the Golden State Warriors on the ropes and did not take them out a big mistake. Lebron  James had a monster game and it was all for nothing as the Cavaliers fell in overtime 108-100 to Golden State.  Kyrie Irving had a very good game but his knee started acting up and he could be limited or done for the series. The Cavaliers cannot afford to lose Irving for an extended period of time and Lebron James frustrations continue in a Cavaliers uniform as he has failed to win a Finals game as a Cavalier.

Besides the Irving problem the Cavaliers have other pressing issues as well. Cleveland must figure how to slow down the Warriors who have ten good players they can throw at you every night. The Cavaliers cannot match that and the depth could be a real issue for them. As good as James is he is only one guy and they just do not have the firepower to match up. If Cleveland wants to win they will need to play better defense and hope Golden State struggles from the floor.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

J. R. Smith Helps Lead Cavaliers To opening Game Win

The Cleveland Cavaliers knew they needed players to stepup and one guy who has proven he can do it is J.R. Smith. For most of the season Smith has been quiet, but broke out last night against the Atlanta Hawks. Smith was excellent from three point range and tallied 28 points.. I was not a big fan of J. R. Smith when the Cavaliers got him but he sure came through when he was needed. Getting the win is a great start for the Cavaliers and Smith. Can Smith keep it up? I really dont know about that as Atlanta will make adjustments for game 2.

Smith's heroics cannot be dismissed at all. If you take away his 28 pointsbthe Cavaliers get hammered in the game. Both teams suffered setbacks by losing players. It will be interesting to see which team can overcome the injuries the best. The Cavaliers have been able to weather most injuries as they are a very deep team plus they do have King James. If the Cavaliers get similar games from J.R. Smith they will be very hard to beat.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I Thought Lebron James Was Getting Old But I was Dead Wrong

After watching Lebron James interview after Game 4 I said to myself James is getting up there and is slowing down. You can tell what toll the NBA takes on a player as James has gotten older, but looks older then his age of 30. I thought maybe James was slowing down and the Cleveland Cavaliers had no real chance against the Chicago Bulls. Fast forward to Game 5 and James was vintage. He did everything the Cleveland Cavaliers could ask from a player. He carried them on his back when they needed him too. This is why he came back to Cleveland to win an NBA Championship and he being the Alpha Dog on the team. Can James get one more win?

The Chicago Bulls could have easily already won this series, but they  have had some epic failures in quarters. Chicago needs a much better effort in Game 6 or they will be going home early and there season will be over. James is one guy who can make that happen. I was dead wrong about James and his will to win an NBA Championship in Cleveland. All season I  have questioned if this is really what he wants to do. I know him coming back was a good story for awhile, but I was questioning it for the longest time. After watching what he did in Game 5 there is no doubt Lebron James wants to win another NBA title. He is chasing it for Cleveland and his own legacy. Give James credit he has worked for everything he got, but winning a championship in Cleveland will be very special to him and the City.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ty Cobb vs. Babe Ruth Who Would You Choose To Be The Man

Ty Cobb and Bath Ruth were two of the greatest ballplayers to ever lace them up.  Each played the game hard and neither one like to lose.  Ruth and Cobb's paths crossed many times while they played.  In this article we will look at both players and then try to decide which player we would choose if we could only have one of them.

Both Cobb and Ruth have been called the greatest to play the game of baseball.  Ruth was known for his mammoth homeruns,  but was also a very good pitcher as well.  Cobb on the other hand may have been the greatest hitter of all time.  Cobb was amazing with the bat and could do deep if he needed to as well.  Picking between these two players is very tough indeed.

I loved Ruth could pitch an hit me homeruns when I needed them,  but if I had to pick one guy it would be Ty Cobb.  What many people do not realize about Cobb is he could hit for power if need be.  He just choose not to do that when he played.  As far as an overall player I would take Ty Cobb everytime. He never gave up and would always get you the hit when u needed it.  My choice is Cobb over Ruth.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

NHL Hockey Changes That Need To Be Made

For the longest time I watch and followed the NHL as it was a sport I really enjoyed a lot. Now do not get me wrong I still love it but I think some changes need to made to the game. Fighting it seems these days are a big part of the game. In the Olympics you see no fighting and it is a much more crisper game and fun to watch and enjoy. Fighting also takes a way from the players who really are very talented. I think hockey players do not get enough credit for how good they really happen to be. I kńow fighting will never leave the sport, but toning it down would be a good idea.

The second thing I would love to see is better promotion of the game by the networks and the NHL. Some of the people I talk to do not even realize half the time a game is on television. A good idea would be to have more games around the holidays like the NBA and NFL has capitalized on. Promotion is something that the NHL does not do very well at all.  

Marketing is another area that the NHLmis lacking as well. If you go into stores during hockey season you cannot even find and type of merchandise. As kids grow up they could collect hockey things like they do other sports. The problem is most stores do not even realize that the NHL exists anymore and that is a shame. The NHL has a good product but are dropping the ball many different ways. If the NHL wants to grow and get more involved in the sport they need to market better. By marketing better there television contracts will get better and players, fans, and everyone else will benefit. Hopefully, the NHL will quit dropping the ball and make the NHL a quality product again.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Can The Cavaliers Win Without Kevin Love?

The Cleveland Cavaliers swept the Boston Celtics, but at what cost. Cleveland knew the Boston Celtics would not roll over, but they never figured on losing Kevin Love. It looks like Kevin Love has a shoulder injury, but right now Cleveland has no idea how bad it could be. I
How big is it to lose Kevin Love for a number of games?

Now Kevin Love is a player that does many things for the Cavs. You may not see it every night in the stat book, but he is very important. He can help stretch the defense and that opens other opportunities for other players. Most people do not realize how important that happens to be especially in the playoffs. Once you reach the playoffs it is more of a half court game and losing Love for any time is not a good thing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Michael Jordan Is The Best Ever End Of Argument Period

It seems as Michael Jordan gets older this debate continues to rage who the best player ever happens to be. Without a doubt Michael Jordan is the best ever and here is why. Many people these days think that because today's athletes are bigger, stronger, more technology available have to be better. Well I am here to tell you that is just not the case. Shoe designs are alot better today as well, but many people are forgetting the human element in all of this. Michael Jordan had many intangibles that you must factor in. He had a desire to win at all costs. It did not matter if he was ill or had to make it through four or five players he would do it.Another big factor is Jordan's ability to be able to take the tough shot. It did not matter how important it was Jordan relish in putting the dagger through your heart.

Jordan may not have the body of Lebron James or the speed of today's players, but that does not mean anything. He was talented in many other ways he would make up for it if he played in today's game. The other guy who people forget about all the time who was a talented guy was Oscar Robertson. When you can average a triple double that is saying something. In my book Michael Jordan is one and Oscar Robertson is second. Both players could beat you in many different ways. No matter what anyone tries to tell you Michael Jordan is the best end of story.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Is This The Last Ride For The Spurs?

The San Antonio Spurs started in there quest to defend there NBA Championship, but it did not go well last night. The Spurs shot the ball terribly and the Clippers did what they had to do to win the game. Many people are wondering if this is the last ride for these Spurs. I would say it possibly could be as they are getting up and age and sometimes that really is the biggest factor in winning or losing. Experience can make up for alot, but this could be the last time we see these Spurs together. Am I ready to write these Spurs off? No way. They are a very experienced team and never underestimate what the Spurs can accomplish.

As far as there last ride I would tend to agree with that assumption. Last year they were playing much better as a team. This years team seems to have alot more issues and they are a year older as well. I like the Spurs and what they can do, but you just cannot turn it off and on  all the time. I think the Spurs are capable of winning a couple of series, but not the whole thing. They are getting up there in age and that will be the biggest  factor why they cannot win it this season.

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Baseball Brawl: A's Vs Royals

Over the years we have always had baseball brawls, but it seems lately it has been taken to another level. Many years ago pitchers would protect the plate by hitting players or backing them off. It was a common practice back in the old days. Players understood it and would adjust to it. Fast forward and now we have baseball brawls where in involves many players and really disrupt the game. The other bad part about the new version is someone can seriously get hurt and you never want to see that.

Major League Baseball is going to need to step in before someone gets hurt seriously. Players are paid millions and you cannot have your stars sideline because of these brawls. It hurts teams, the fans, and the game. Baseball is already losing popularity and if this continues it will just hurt the game. I really do not know what the answer is, but something must be done soon. The A's and Royals had multiple players thrown out over their weekend series. Things like this have to stop and real soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Paul Pierce Is Always A Great Guy When The Playoffs Come

No matter if you love him or hate him Paul Pierce is a special player when the playoffs get here. Drafted by The Boston Celtics Pierce won some Championships in Boston and had some very memorable games as a Celtic. His battles with some of the best players in the league can never be forgotten. From Kobe Bryant to Lebron James Paul Pierce will go down as one of the better players in the league. One other thing you cannot forget about Paul Pierce is he is a talker and for some people that rubs them the wrong way I guess. For me I kind of like a player who is not afraid of any challenge and that is Paul Pierce.

Now Pierce plays for the Washington Wizards and of course going into his first round match up he is talking again this time about the Raptors. He made some comments that ruffled a few feathers. That is how Paul Pierce does things no matter what anyone thinks. He did score 20 points to help lead the Wizards to the win. Pierce knows about winning and that will never change as he leads a young group of Wizards. The bottom line is like him or hate him he knows what it takes to win a NBA Championship.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Will The Final Four End Kentucky's Streak?

The Kentucky Wildcats perfect run almost ended at the hands of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, but the Wildcats proved they are not ready to lose just yet. Could Kentucky's run becoming to an end? The truth is they will have two tough games if they want to be perfect and hoist another National Championship banner up. All three teams left can beat Kentucky if they do not play well. Many people think it is just a matter of time before the Wildcats go down, but I'm not so sure about that one.
It seems Kentucky has the will to win and at the end does whatever is needed to get the win. When things go wrong they do not seem to get to rattle and they ride the storm very well. The Harrison Brothers seem to relish in the spotlight and make the plays when it is needed. Karl Towns played a monster game against Notre Dame and kept Kentucky in the game. One of the main reasons it is hard to beat the Wildcats is they have a variety of people who can get hot and carry them to a victory. This is why I think Kentucky will finish undefeated and set history.

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Can Notre Dame Stop Kentucky's Streak?

The Notre Dame have been a pleasant surprise in the March Madness tournament and they have a tall order Saturday Night against the Kentucky Wildcats. Notre Dame does boast one of the best shooting teams in College Basketball. Kentucky on the other side of the ball has one of the best defensive teams in College Basketball. We have the best offense against the best defense this should be a game for the ages. Who wins it?

Notre Dame is a very good team, but in close games it always comes down to getting stops and Kentucky is the best in the nation. It seems the Wildcats always rise up for a challenge and I think this will be no different. Notre Dame will put up a fight, but in the end Kentucky is just too deep and has to many weapons for the Fighting Irish. Defense wins championships and that will not change anytime soon. Take Kentucky in a close game to move on.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do We Need To Expand The College Football Playoff Already?

Now that the first College Football Playoffs is in the books there is talk about expanding it already. There are many reasons people want to do this, but will it work for everyone involved. Let's look deeper into expanding it and why it really is not a good idea right now. First of all ESPN has a contract with it so that would have to be changed and I do not see ESPN wanting to change that anytime soon. The second major problem is the student athlete already puts in enough time and making them miss more classes just makes no sense. 

Expanding it right now would mean more games and that will not help anyone right now.
No matter how many teams you expand it to someone will get left out and complaints will come. This is why for the time being four will have to suffice. Teams and their fans will always think they deserve to be in the playoffs. I will admit that TCU got hosed this season, but many years back so did Boise State. No system is perfect and no matter how many teams we add someone will complain. Right now it is the best we got right now, so enjoy the college football playoffs for what it's worth.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Why Lebron James And Cavaliers Continue To Struggle

Lebron James was coming back to Cleveland to bring them a NBA Championship, but right now it looks like anything but a championship team. James has been injured and not playing up to his NBA ability at times and that has only been part of the problem. It seems Kevin Love is not involved enough as he is confused on his role on the team. David Blatt the coach really has no answers and many times the Cavaliers just tune him out. Can the season be saved?

I think the season can still be saved for the Cavaliers, but several things must happen. The first is these players must listen to James. It seems many are tuning him out and that is part of the problem. Getting Kevin Love more involved is critical if they want to see success. Making trade after trade is not the answer either. Stick with a core group and work with them until you get better. It will not happen overnight, but keep making changes is not the answer. I think some of the players feel resentment towards King James as well even if they do not want to admit it. Right now the Cavaliers are not a good team and unless something changes soon they may not even make the playoffs.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TCU Still Getting No Respect From Voters

Now that the college football season is officially in the books you would think TCU would finally get some respect from the voters, but they have not. Ohio State is a deserving National Champion, but TCU is still getting no respect. Out of all the teams I watch in the bowl games TCU was by far the most dominate by far. Now comes the AP vote and TCU finishes in third place behind an Oregon team that got there lunch handed to them. A two loss team finishes above TCU you got to be kidding me. Is there anything TCU can do about it?

The only saving grace for The Horned Frogs is they will be one of the favorites to win the National Title next season along with the Ohio State Buckeyes once again. TCU will have a chance to make the playoffs and make a statement against the elite in College Football. This season I do not think they got a fair shake, but sometimes that is what happens in College Football. TCU will learn from the mistakes they made and make sure it does not happen again. The 2015 College Football season should be another wild ride thats for sure.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Football Gods Turn Tables On Dez Bryant And Cowboys

The Dallas Cowboys seen them get the benefits of some calls against the Detroit Lions last week, but this week the football gods turned the tables on the Dallas Cowboys. Dez Bryant made a catch on fourth down to set up the Cowboys on the Packers one yard line, but a challenged was made and it was overturned. Bryant did come down and did lose a little control of the ball which was against the rules. Many Cowboy fans will be upset, but that is what happens in close games it comes down to a few plays here or there and this game was no exception. It was a close call, but that is not why the Cowboys lost the game.

Green Bay and Aaron Rodgers played better in the second half and made enough plays to win the game. In close games it many times comes down who plays the best at the end. Both teams fought hard and it could have went either way. It is a shame that both teams could not have won the game, but you can only have one winner. The Dallas Cowboys had a good season, but just like teams before them they found out beating the Packers and Aaron Rodgers at home is very tough. Green Bay moves on and now will head to Seattle to take on the Seahawks for a chance to go to the Super Bowl.

Why Dez's catch wasn't a catch in Cowboys-Packers

Dallas vs Green Bay The Winner Is.......

The Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers hook it up today in what should be a very entertaining football game.  Weather should be cloudy with a chance for snow. This should favor the Packers, but when you talk about the playoffs that weather should not effect the Cowboys to much.  Dallas must control the ball and score at every opportunity they are given. Tony Romo must protect the ball and limit his mistakes. DeMarco Murry and Dez Bryant will need to come up big as well. As far as the Cowboys defense they must make Aaron Rodgers and the Packers earn their points.

Green Bay will go as far as Aaron Rodgers will carry them. Rodgers is excellent in the cold and at home. Beating Rodgers at home is tough. The Cowboys do have the weapons to do it, so turnovers will be key for Rodgers. Ball control and limiting mistakes is something that Rodgers does very well. Defensively, the Packers cannot let Murray or Bryant hurt them. Romo will make some plays, but you cannot not let him get confident. It seems when Romo gets on a roll he is tough to stop.

I like the Packers in this game because they are at home. Aaron Rodgers rarely loses at home. Take the Packers at home by a score of 34-27.

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cardale Jones Buckeyes Unsung Hero

When the College Football season started no one knew who Cardale Jones was or if he could play consistently at this level. Jones has quickly silenced all his critics. Jones came out of Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio where he led his team to the 2009 High School Championship game in Division 1. He was a very good high school player. His academics were not where they needed to be so he went to Fort Military Academy for a semester before enrolling at Ohio State. Cardale  Jones has a cannon for an arm and can do many wonderful things o the field of play.

There have been many amazing stories about Jones most about his arm strength. Even by his own account Jones says he can throw it 80-85 yards which is simply amazing. In practice players have watched him throw it 60 yards from one knee. If that story is true that is amazing as well. The one thing about Cardale Jones he is more of a pro type quarterback and in the Buckeyes offense that is a good thing.

The one thing we have learned about Cardale Jones he is a big time college quarterback. He has not let the pressure get to him. He has been poise under the gun and even if he does not start next season he has made a lasting impression. The NFL is always looking for players with cannons for arms with poise.

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Friday, January 9, 2015

Why The Cleveland Browns Continue To Be A Losing Franchise

After the original Browns left for Baltimore once Cleveland got back a new team things were suppose to be much better for Cleveland fans, but that has not been the case. In fact, it seems the franchise continues to struggle and still the butt of jokes around the league. Why has this franchise struggle so much in recent years? Let's take a closer look at why the Browns just plain suck.

The Browns have made alot of mistakes and one of the biggest problems is mismanagement from the top. Cleveland has never put the proper people in the right places and that has hurt the franchise alot. They continue to struggle to draft productive players and they are still looking for a quarterback. When they do get good people they seem to alienate them and they leave. It's like a revolving door in Cleveland and you cannot have that at all.

Good players and coaches do not want to come to Cleveland as they know how it is. Why go somewhere where you will never get the chance you deserve. Coaches and players many times need a few years to gel, but Cleveland is trigger happy many times. Until the Browns get the right people in the right jobs they will continue to struggle. The bad part it's the Cleveland fans who suffer the most as they deserve much more from ownership.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Jameis Winston Florida State's Only Hope For A Repeat Championship

The one thing that we can say about Jameis Winston is he is a polarizing figure, and everyone has an opinion on him. I will admit I have written many articles on him and how he was not one of my favorite players for what he has done off the field of play. Through all the issues he has had the one thing no one can deny is his ability to stay one step ahead of it on the field.

Florida State would not be undefeated if it was not for Jameis Winston and some of his exploits on the field. Yes, at times he has hurt his football team, but most of the time he always finds a way to bring them back from defeat. That is the mark of a true champion. Bringing your team back when your not playing your best is critical to your success. Jameis Winston has done it time and time again.

Now in little over a week Jameis Winston will face his toughest test yet the Oregon Ducks. His team will need to travel cross country and play a quality opponent and their hostile crowd. Many people feel this will end the streak for Florida State, but I think we will see the opposite happen. It seems when Florida State has there backs against the wall they play better. Jameis Winston is the key to winning this game. If they want to beat the Ducks it will be Jameis Winston leading them once again.

Brewers VS Dodgers Was A Fun Series

  Many people were wondering what we would learn about the Milwaukee Brewers as they took on the Los Angeles Dodgers in Milwaukee. Over the ...