
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Time For Lakers To Trade Dwight Howard

The Dwight Howard experiment has been a disaster so far this season. He has not been able to make it in Los Angeles or mesh with Kobe Bryant, and when you lose it has become more evident Howard has not matured yet as, Howard had the same problem in Orlando and it hasn't gotten any better so far. Bryant and Howard are never going to co-exist as Bryant is a winner and will not accept a player who does not have the same desire.

Moving Dwight Howard right now maybe the only way to save the season for the Lakers. Trade value for Howard may not be real high, but the way it's going he is doing the Lakers no favors. Moving Howard may seem a long shot, but when your superstar legend is at odds with your other big superstar it's time to make a change. The Dwight Howard experiment did not go well and it's time to cut your losses right now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JaMarcus Russell Attempting To Make A Comeback

There are many things in life you do not want people to consider you and one of those is an NFL bust. JaMarcus Russell came out of college and has never full filled his dream of being an NFL star. In fact, JaMarcus has been out of the league for awhile and is making a comeback. Does he have a chance of making in the NFL? This time around he may just be able to finally be the quarterback everyone thought he could. He has a lot of people helping him get his priorities straight and that is something that he was missing.

In the end though it is gong to come down to what he wants and how hard he is willing to work for it. JaMarus is a talente young man, but he has to want it and be willing to work for it. The last time in the NFL He was lazy and that got him a ticket ut of the NFL. Hopefully, he has learned from his mistakes and will be a productive quarterback for an NFL football team this coming season

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Can Kobe Bryant Save The Lakers?

The Los Angeles Lakers continue their slide on the road and it looks like only one man can save the Lakers now. Kobe Bryant has bitten his tongue most of the season, but now it is time for him to step up and tell everyone what he thinks needs to be done. Yes, he has given hints what needs to be done but he must be more vocal no matter whose feelings he may hurt. Bryant is a winner and losing is killing him inside and he will not take it much longer. Can he really save the Lakers?

Kobe can save the Lakers but he is going to have to be tough on some of his own players. Dwight Howard needs to grow up and Kobe Bryant is probably the only player that can get the most out of him. Scrapping the offense the Lakers run right now is an idea, but in the long run Kobe Bryant has to be the one to decide that for the Lakers. Many people might not like giving the controls to Kobe including their current coach, but the Lakers have no choice right now. If they want any chance of getting going in the right direction they need to ride the guy who has got them five NBA Championships.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Can The Dallas Cowboys Overcome Latest Problems

The Dallas Cowboys have had a roller coaster season so far with plenty of ups and downs. The latest problem involved Josh Brent being arrested for killing a teammate while driving drunk. Killed was practice squad member Jerry Brown. The Dallas Cowboys did not need this as they are in a battle for a playoff spot, but just another problem they must deal with. The Dallas Cowboys will play with heavy hearts, but many times a tragedy can pull a team together even more than before.

The Dallas Cowboys will have a lot of their mind Sunday, but through it all they know they must continue to fight over all the issues. Losing a teammate is hard and the Dallas Cowboys must face that reality Sunday. Can they overcome it and continue their drive to the playoffs. I think they can as most teams win games like this for their fallen players. Many times tragedies such as this can carry a team all season long. Only time will tell how it will have an impact on the Dallas Cowboys. The one thing we do know the Dallas Cowboys did not need this to happen.

Kobe Bryant Getting Tired Of Losing With This Cast Of Lakers

Kobe Bryant has always been about winning and that will not change anytime soon, but his latest cast of Lakers is making that tough for him. You would think with the team the Lakers put on the floor it would be winning at a good rate, but that is not the case. Steve Nash has been injured and Dwight Howard is being Dwight Howard of course. How long will Kobe Bryant take this before he blows up on his team?

The one thing that Kobe Bryant does not like to do and that is lose basketball games. He is all about winning NBA Championships and he will not accept anything less. Kobe also is not beyond calling people on his team out in private or public. Most of the time Kobe will do it behind close doors, but is not afraid to go public to air his opinions either. Sometimes this can be a good or bad thing depending on the player.

Like him or hate him we will probably see Kobe Bryant go on a long rant about his team. Unless they start winning look for Mr. Bryant to go on a rant that will be comical but serious as well. Kobe is about winning and will call out anyone he feels is not pulling their weight on his team.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dwight Howard Gets Taught A Lesson By His Former Team The Orlando Magic

Dwight Howard wanted out of Orlando so bad he burned a lot of bridges along the way. Last night in Los Angeles he had a chance to extract some revenge on former teammates and the Orlando Magic. The problem is he cannot shoot free throws and who knows that better then the Orlando Magic. The Magic employed Hack a Howard on their way to a 113-103 win. The Magic used balanced scoring to win the game that seen Dwight Howard walk off the court without shaking any Magic players hands. I guess there is still a bitter taste in his mouth about the way things went down.

For the Los Angeles Lakers they cannot keep losing to these teams they should easily beat. If Hack a Howard worked for the Magic you know other teams are going to use it as well. It just makes sense to do it when Howard is struggling at the free throw line. For Magic fans it had to be a Magical night in Orlando as they got Howard back for ditching them like he did. I can't imagine how loud the crowd will be in Orlando when Dwight Howard makes his one appearance for the year.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Does The San Antonio Spurs Deserved To Be Punished?

The San Antonio Spurs have done this in the past without much fanfare, but this time around the punishment could be severe. It seems that David Stern is not very happy with the Spurs coach Greg Popovich sending home four players. Now this would not have been a big deal if it was not a National televised game against the Miami Heat. It was a high profiled game and the NBA wants their best players on the floor.

The real interesting part is what David Stern will do as Popovich really did not break any rules. I'm sure Stern will come up with something as he does not want other teams to do this kind of thing in the future. It hurts the game and fans who pay to see these superstars. It also gives the NBA a black eye as they want to be as fan friendly as possible and they cannot do that if they let coaches send home players.

MLB Spring Training Schedule February 23, 2025

 MLB Spring Training Schedule For February 23, 2025.  Tigers Yankees Today 1:05 PM Orioles Phillies Today 1:05 PM Twins Pirates Today 1:05 P...