
Saturday, July 23, 2011

NFL And Players Fumble The Ball When It Comes To The Fans

Just like any other strike it is always the fans that people tend to forget about. The NFL owners have agreed in principle to end the lockout, but the players have not signed off on it. The owners have said this is the best deal they will offer the players.

This just goes to show you that neither side cares about the fans the ones who line their pocketbooks on a yearly basis. If the fans would stop buying the merchandise and going to the games then the owners and players would sing a different tune. Just as consumers boycott companies and products fans need to start doing the same thing.

If we could have a mass fan revolt for a couple of weeks players and owners would learn the fan has power. The way it stands though as soon as it is settle it will go back to the way it was until another strike happens. One of these days I would just like the players and owners to think about the fans for once. I forgot as long as the fan keeps lining their pockets they do not care.

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