
Friday, September 23, 2011

Is The Big 12 Dead?

It seems just when we think the Big 12 is dead it comes back to life like a cat with nine lives. If you have been following the Big 12 you know it's been a rollercoaster of sorts for the colleges in it and their fans as well. Is it time to put the Big 12 out to pasture?

The truth is the only thing keeping the Big 12 together right now is Oklahoma and Texas. If one of those two schools leave you might as well shut down the Big 12 for good. An option would be to merge with another conference. Maybe the Big East would be something they may want to consider right now.

I know unless the Big 12 does something fast they will be put out to pasture. That is a shame as it was a good conference for a very long time. It seems though they have lost their way and when that happens their life is the next thing to go.

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