
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Will Lebron James Ever Become A Clutch Player?

First it was in Cleveland,and then the latest All-Star game, and now in Utah. Lebron James had chances to cement his legacy as a clutch player in each instant and never could. Now later in his career those same questions are now dogging him. James in my opinion is just not a clutch player right now, like a Kobe Bryant or Kevin Durant. He may one day be one, but right now he wants to win games and feels he is making the best decisions for the team.

Others would like to see him take that clutch shot, but right now he is not confident doing that and he will not. No matter how much the press beats him up he will defer until he feels confident enough to take the shot. Maybe one day Lebron James will, but right now is not that day. He is just not confident enough to do it. He is no Michael Jordan who thrived on the moment. James right now is a great player searching for his way and right now in the background is where he wants to be.

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