
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Pat Riley Is Pissed, But Who Really Cares

Pat Riley went to the podium to vent like he seems to do when he is not happy about something. I guess you cannot blame him. He was hoping to win another NBA Championship, but that did not work out the way he had hoped. The one thing Riley has always hated is when people question him about things. Over the years he has always been that way. People say they never read what is written or listen to what is said, but that is just not true. If that is true we would have never seen Pat Riley today.

What has Mr. Riley is such a bad mood was simple people questioning what he was going to do since the Heat lost to the Spurs. Riley has always been a guy about winning, so it comes as no surprise that he will retool the Heat again. He was to four straight Finals and losing two never sits well with him. I look for Miami to be better in the upcoming season no matter who puts on the uniform. Thats just how Pat Riley  does things as Heat's president.

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